[SEDXC] Message from W4RH: Opening Coming up for ARRL SE Division Director

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Jan 2 16:41:44 EST 2007


The Year 2007 marks the 28th year I have served as your Director.  My
current term ends on December 31, 2007, and I do not plan to be a
candidate for reelection.  The call for nominating petitions for
Director and Vice Director will appear in the July and August issues of
QST.  If you are interested in these positions, read  the announcements
closely.  Several members have expressed their interest in the jobs; I
expect there will be no shortage of well-qualified candidates.

I have enjoyed meeting many of you at hamfests and club meetings over
the years--from Tuscaloosa in West Alabama to Augusta in East Georgia,
and from Dalton in Northern Georgia to Miami in Southern Florida!  As
long as my health stays as good as it is now, I  plan to continue my
hamfest treks; I just won't be selling those books, maps, pins and
patches any more!  If you get to Northwest Florida on vacation or
business, give me a call on 2m FM, especially l46.52 simplex.

You will be getting a separate e-mail from me with the 2007  Calendar
of hamfests in the Division, as I know them (or could guess).  Be sure
to note that this year, the Huntsville, AL hamfest has been designated
the ARRL National Convention.  It will feature a large display of ARRL
activities, called ARRL EXPO.  If you have been to the Dayton, Ohio ham
event in the last couple of years, you know what ARRL EXPO is!  Be sure
to include Huntsville, August 18-19, in your travel plans, if at all


Frank Butler, W4RH
Director, SE Division
(850) 244-5425
e-mail:  w4rh at arrl.org

ARRL Southeastern Division
Director: Frank Butler, W4RH
w4rh at arrl.org
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