[SEDXC] XT2C just worked on 21.266.0 Up 5

Macie, Gordon GMacie at innotrac.com
Mon Jan 8 10:23:11 EST 2007

It was difficult but I managed to work them on 20 ssb yesterday.. What a
mess , for some reason they were at 14.266 listening up 10. Terrible
place to be among the rag chewers and the ve7??? Nut case on 14.275. I
also tried later on 40 (big signal) cw and 75 ssb (q4) but couldn't get
through. They will be there 2 weeks so it will get easier. I worked xt
from Virginia under my old call but it was new from here.

73 Gordon

> Subject: [SEDXC] XT2C just worked on 21.266.0 Up 5
> 73,
> Keith, K4KAL

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