[SEDXC] Addition to the January newsletter

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Thu Jan 18 10:25:35 EST 2007

Your treasurer (that would be me) messed up.  In the last newsletter I
mentioned the help we got from HRO for door prizes for the Christmas Party
at Bob and Mary's - that was correct and we do appreciate HRO's continued
support!  While the December party did not have a traditional raffle and
tickets were not sold, I am still very remiss in not thanking Harry, W4KJ,
for adding one of his custom hand-made wine stoppers to the door prize
collection.  As soon as I saw it I knew which prize I wanted if I had won -
it was beautiful.

Thanks Harry for your contribution to a great party!

(BTW - just to keep the record straight - this was not prompted by Harry -
he is far too much a gentleman for that.  This was prompted by my
under-achieving brain just returning from the fog of the "holidaze."

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