[SEDXC] QSL Received: E51PDX Today.

Macie, Gordon GMacie at innotrac.com
Thu Jan 25 13:24:25 EST 2007

E51, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Bob/W7YAQ/E51PDX and Bill/N7OU/E51PEN inform
OPDX just before going to print that they are back in Rarotonga after
2 weeks on Penrhyn. They mention that they will be on during CQWW from
Rarotonga, South Cooks Islands, as E51YAQ. QSL via W7YAQ. Here are
their E51PDX/E51PEN QSO totals:
   Total QSOs = 14912          By Band:         Distribution by
   Total DXCC =   121          160m    10              NA   63.0%
                                80m  1402              AS   20.6%
   By Mode:                     40m  4726              EU   10.7%
   CW   13721                   30m  3785              SA    3.5%
   RTTY  1013                   20m  1671              OC    1.9%
   SSB    178                   17m  2261              AF    0.3%
                                15m   694
                                12m   291
                                10m    72
  Rigs:  TS570, FT897. Antennas: HF6V, 40M, 20M Verticals on edge of
lagoon (water 180 degrees, north-to-east-to-south). They state, "Great
condx all bands to North/South America. European openings were
disappointing. Some days grey line openings hardly materialized. Very
FB QTH, support, and accommodations from Warwick, E51WL....."
73, Bob/E51PDX and Bill/E51PEN



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