[SEDXC] Contest Scoring

Jeff Carter sedxc at hidden-valley.com
Thu Jun 21 21:49:43 EDT 2007

On Thursday 21 June 2007 20:50, you wrote:
> Well, from a non-contestor and someone who has forgotten (20wpm) code, this
> is my opinion.
> I think you are very wrong. Giving extra points for CW helps keep the band
> spread out. Also, please don't forget many times when our bands were
> attacked by commercial interest and PRB-1 judged on it was because of our
> ability to get a signal through on CW in an emergency that we won.

Do you mean I was wrong to ask the question?  I'm not certain what you mean.  

Please give a link showing how PRB-1 came about via using CW in an emergency, 
I'd be interested in reading that.  I'm an ARRL member, if your citations are 
on that site it's okay.  

> You are trying to reward laziness and if your prediction is true and the
> lazy CBer's that were just waiting for them to drop code to get their
> General take over, the heritage of ham radio will be lost and we will loose
> our bands.

I'm not trying to reward or to predict anything, merely to understand why 
things are done the way they are and to ask if what we're doing makes sense.

> To give extra points to someone that is maintaining an art, a heritage, and
> the only signal that can get through at times is a great thing. 

Surely you can't be serious.  An art?  A heritage?  You're turning a carrier 
off and on at defined intervals.  I respect the time that goes into 
memorizing the sequences, having attempted it myself, but let's be rational.

> You are 
> probably one of those that would give extra points for using Echolink  Lets
> all just get cell phones and make that a certified contact and have
> published numbers for all the hams around the world?
> Following your argument, lets just make it as easy as possible for all the
> lazy people and give up. In fact, why have contest at all after reading
> your comments?
> Bill

Perhaps asking for rationality was asking too much.  These paragraphs are just 
a rambling ad hominem attack that doesn't really relate to the questions I 
asked.  I prefaced my original posting by saying that I hoped the time had 
come for us to be adults on the CW issue and its many facets.

I'm not sure how you ended up with my posting, but it was intended for an 
Amateur Radio audience.  I note you have not posted your callsign.


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