[SEDXC] Contest Scoring

MAllphin at aol.com MAllphin at aol.com
Fri Jun 22 09:21:38 EDT 2007

Hi Jeff,
   I think the answer to your basic question is simple and  obvious to me.  
First, I believe I am qualified to answer as I have had  considerable success 
(in earlier years) in contesting using both phone and  cw.  I set several 
single band/single operator World records in the CQWW  contests in the 1980's and 
early 1990's.  Several on phone and several on  cw.
  The differential in scoring twice the number of points for a cw QSO  is to 
compensate for the fact that cw qsos occur at roughly 1/2 the rate of  phone 
QSOs.  In my own case, my best hourly rate on phone was 357 QSOs per  hour.  My 
best cw hour was between 240-250 per hour.  That is not  exactly a 2:1 ratio 
but it serves to make the point.  Routinely, good phone operators can average 
well over 250 QSOs per hour and good CW  operators approach 175 per hour.  
Again, not 2:1, but you get the  idea.  I imagine that average cw operators and 
average phone  operators come closer to the 2:1 ratio.
   One other way to confirm this is to look at the results of  comparable 
contests and compare the total number of QSOs made by a single  operator in the 
phone and cw contests of the same contest.  In other words,  look at CQWW Phone 
results vs. CQWW cw results.  Also, compare ARRL phone  results to ARRL cw 
results.  I believe you will find roughly a 2:1  ratio.
   Hope this helps!
73, Bob

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