[SEDXC] Georgia QSO Party

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 14 12:38:48 EST 2007

The 2007 Georgia QSO Party is the weekend of April 14 and 15.  SEDXC 
co-sponsors this with SECC.  SEDXC has traditionally sponsored a plaque 
that will cost probably $40 to $50.00.  I hope we will vote at the March 
meeting to continue that tradition (that dates to 1999).

In connection with the 50 year anniversary, I hope we will find some way 
to incorporate the Georgia QSO Party in special 50 year activity next year.

Look forward to seeing you all at the meeting next Wednesday.  I will 
narrate the WRTC Brasil PowerPoint presentation with some help from 
Jeff, KU8E and he will narrate a short PowerPoint presentation on our 
trip to Bonaire in February of this year for ARRL DX CW.

Does the group still meet for supper at the Pinera Bread place near the 
meeting place or elsewhere?  Are there directions on the SEDXC website? 
  I have been there with W4WY and KO4RR, but KU8E has never been there 
and I am terrible at directions.  Joe, KO4RR, will be unable to join us 
this month since his dentist has scheduled him for a crown on a molar 
that afternoon.


John, K4BAI.

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