[SEDXC] Fwd: [dx-list] BS7H Propagation

Paul Pescitelli dx.k4uj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 14:57:52 EST 2007

cross post....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bill_w4zv <w0zv at yahoo.com>
Date: Mar 26, 2007 3:25 PM
Subject: [dx-list] BS7H Propagation
To: dx-list at yahoogroups.com

Here's a quick look at propagation from here in NC to BS7H using
HamCAP.  Here are my assumptions:

SSN = 11, K = 1
TX Ant = 5/8 vertical (all bands)
TX Pwr = 1500 watts
RX Ant = 3 el Yagi up 95' (all bands)

For a CW filter (500 Hz), we subtract 27 dB from the S/N results given
below ( which are in dB/Hz).  For a SSB filter (2000 Hz), subtract 33

For short path, it appears the only band opening that will result in
signals above the ambient noise floor is 20 meters:

Time         SNR
1330-1430     30
1430-1530     33
1530-1 630    34

500 Hz BW will give a signal 3-7 dB above the noise floor and 2000 Hz
BW will give a signal 0-1 dB above the noise floor.

For long path, there may be a marginal opening on 15 meters only:

2330-0030     30

Surprisingly no SNR levels were above the 27 dB noise floor on 17
meters for either long or short path, but I'm not sure I believe
VOACAP's model is so accurate to preclude that possibility.

I chose 95' height for RX antennas in HamCAP since this is the best
match to the ~10 degree takeoff angles predicted.  Lower antennas will
fare much worse than the above results but higher gain can somewhat
offset that.  On the plus side I doubt HamCAP adequately takes into
account a vertical over salt water (TX side) which should help.

This looks like an extremely tough path from this area of the country.
 It may take an above average antenna plus some luck with propagation
to make it!  Good luck to all...glad I can sit this one out.

73,  Bill  W4ZV


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73 - Paul    K4UJ / FS, KP2, KP4, PJ6, PJ7,VP2E, ZF2UJ
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