[SEDXC] BS7H... What a morning...

Keith LaBorde - K4KAL k4kal at arrl.net
Tue May 1 09:38:58 EDT 2007

Interesting morning this am trying to work BS7H.
This was the first time I could really hear them.

At around 11:33 I saw a spot by W3UR that he was working 210 to 230...
Didn't even hear them.   Checked both Short and Long, and nothing.

Then at about 11:40 they just came up out of the noise and they were about 5n7 for a short time.
On average they were 5n5 most of the time for me.

I heard Guy, W4GBU calling on 14.212.0, and I was at 14.214.0 calling, with no success.
I hope some of you got through, this one's going to be a hard one to get based on there operating schedule.
I tried off and on until 13:10, and they just disappeared.
I did hear him answer some 4's, but didn't recognize the calls.

Hope to see some of you at Birmingham Hamfest this weekend.
I think Gary still needs some more help at the SEDXC table.

Keith, K4KAL

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