[SEDXC] FW: [Elecraft] Announcing the Elecraft K3 Transceiver: 10/100W, 160-6m, Assembled or Kit

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Tue May 1 22:17:47 EDT 2007

On Apr 28, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Ed Tanton wrote:

> Especially note the excellent filter array combined with dual 32-bit
> DSP. Most obvious winner for me is the subreceiver with superb
> General Coverage receive filters optional.

Subreceiver doesn't thrill me since it doesn't work during transmit,  
so it can't do SO2R from one box. However, the K3 is the closest any  
rig has come to the one-box SO2R standard.

Subreceiver would be good for figuring out weird splits during DXing,  

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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