[SEDXC] For Sale: Ameritron ALS-600 with 10/12M Board.

Keith LaBorde - K4KAL k4kal at arrl.net
Thu May 3 14:23:49 EDT 2007

Available on 05/11 (Waiting on Arrival of Replacement Amplifier)
Price for SEDXC Member $750.00, Non Member?  Why aren't you a member?
Does not ship well, about 80+ lbs, I have original cartons.
I would prefer someone local, and shipping would be extra.

Please contact me if you are interested.
Power Output 500 to 600+ watts depends on band.
Select Band, and start talking...

FET Amplifiers are very SWR sensitive.  If you have SWR over 75 to 100 watts, it will trip to protect finals.
So you need a good tuner if your antennas are not resonant.
I use Palstar AT-AUTO with G5RV, and SteppIR, so it has not been a problem for me.

Keith, K4KAL

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