[SEDXC] Treasurer's Report for April
Hal Kennedy
halken at comcast.net
Wed May 9 12:59:00 EDT 2007
Having returned last night from being away for the past two weeks, I missed
the deadline and the latest newsletter had no treasurer's report. So, its
pasted below:
Treasurers Report for April 2007
Financial position as of month-end April:
SEDXC Treasury: $3,616.59
Packet Fund: $ 280.15
Total Balance: $3,896.74
The only expenditure in April was $600 for the beautiful hand embroidered
hamfest table covering and banner that were on display at the last meeting.
Everyone was duly impressed with the workmanship and quality of the final
product. Thanks to Bill, KC4AA, for arranging this fine addition to the
The April raffle was another success and netted approximately $73 for the
club. Thanks to all the contributors. The raffle continues to be a major
source of revenue and an important part of the budget for future DXpedition
donations. Please bring what you dont feel like hauling to the Dayton flea
market to the next meeting!
Annual membership renewals are due by June 30. Please forward your payments
either via PayPal (instructions are on the SEDXC website), via cash or check
at the upcoming May or June meetings, or direct to the treasurer: Hal
Kennedy, 5033 Winding Hills Lane, Woodstock, GA 30189. All members will
receive a confirming email on receipt of payment. Renewals are $20 for
regular memberships and $5 for student memberships.
Here at N4GG, Dayton is now filling the viewfinder. With perfect timing,
Kathy and I were in Europe for the entire BS7H operation, not near email or
a radio. This kept my pile-up frustration level low, but Scarborough is one
of four still needed here. I hope everyone else got them! W4RJL used to
tell me frequently: To make the top of the honor roll, just keep taking
your vitamins you have to live long enough to do it. I wonder when BS7
will be on again? I will need to stock up on vitamins
73, Hal, N4GG
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