[SEDXC] Sedxc contest Dxpedition to TI5...

MAllphin at aol.com MAllphin at aol.com
Thu May 24 15:03:58 EDT 2007

Hi SEDXC members,
   I am thinking about leading a contest Dxpedition to Costa Rica  for the 
ARRL SSB contest in 2008.  The objective would be  not necessarily be to win, 
but instead provide a learning opportunity  to club members that have never been 
on a Dxpedition or participated on the  DX-end of a contest.  I envision a 
mix of experienced ops and inexperienced  ops.  
   Currently, I am talking to Keko, TI5KD (TI5N) about using  his QTH near 
San Jose, Costa Rica.  I operated there 7-8 years ago  and he has a terrific 
antenna farm.  Also, he can accommodate 8 people  there on site.  Additional 
people would have to stay nearby at a hotel. We  would probably enter the Multi-2 
category. For more information on the QTH see:  _http://www.yantis.us/ti5kd_ 
   At this point, I would like to see what kind of interest there  is in 
something of this nature.  So, if you have an interest, please let me  know and 
indicate whether you would like to be a mentor or mentee!
    Although, this would be a SEDXC activity, the costs  would be funded by 
the participating individuals.
73, Bob

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