[SEDXC] SEDXC Meetings and Small Attendance

Don Nesbitt n4hh at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 13:51:49 EST 2007

RE:  SEDXC Meetings and Small Attendance

Bob asked us for some input on why we seem to have
relatively small attendance at our monthly meetings. 
The same “usual” suspects numbering 20 to 25.

Other than the typical shopworn reasons (location,
time, sunspot cycle, age of participants,
self-limiting nature of any group meeting, etc), 
maybe I’m not alone in the following:

1.  I attend the meetings for two (2) reasons: 
camaraderie and program.

2.  I DON'T attend the meetings for the "business"

Yes, business is important to achieving the objectives
of the club and its’ short and long-term health. It's
just not my reason to attend our meetings!

Thinking back to our last meeting with Hal (N4GG)
presenting a most excellent program on operations from
HP1XX, I can't help but note that the hour was closing
in on 9 pm by the time he actually got to present!  In
my view, that is simply too late.  It's not fair to
the presenter (in this case Hal) nor is it fair to
those who have an interest in the program but who
really don't find the business of the club all that

So - what is my suggestion?

GENERAL SUGGESTION:  The "dessert" part of the meeting
(to me that's the PROGRAM) is moved to the BEGINNING
and the "meat and potatoes" part of the meeting
(BUSINESS) is moved to the END; "after the break."

DANGER:  Won't folks leave at the end of the program? 
 Yep, we'll probably loose some - maybe even a bunch! 
But those who stay will truly be interested in the
"business" of the club.  If no one stays, that should
tell us something!  We've moved our Constitution and
By-Laws to the internet; maybe we should move our
business there as well.  Failing that, maybe we should
send out an "Agenda" a week prior to the get-together
so folks could give it just consideration and be
prepared to stay to conduct the business of the club.

DANGER:  If folks leave, what about the lack of a
quorum?  We won't be able to conduct business!  Hummm
- it seems that business is conducted either by a 2/3
majority of those in attendance or a simple majority
of those in attendance.  Three people stay for the
business meeting.  If two of them can agree, business
is conducted!  Yes, that's dangerous - so be it!  By
decree we have a BOARD – let’s consider giving them
some power to actually conduct business!

DANGER:  Our monthly raffle at the meeting is a great
source of income for the club. Won't we put this in
jeopardy?  Nope - see the next part.

OK, so what would a "typical" meeting schedule look

1.  Raffle tickets are sold before the meeting starts.
 The raffle is held at the end of the program – before
the “break.”  Parking tickets are validated prior to
the start and at the “break.”

2.  The meeting is called to order and starts with the
usual introductions – BUT – the self-introductions
also include any “announcements” – AND – announcements
are limited to SINGLE SENTENCE statements or queries –
something like:  "I worked P5 on 160 meters at noon; I
have 2 brand new 8877’s for sale at $2 each;  my wife
left me and I need help putting up a Big Bertha; does
anyone have an Alpha 77 that they could lend me until
the next sunspot maximum?"  NO serendipitous stories,
etc.  Single sentence ANNOUNCEMENTS only.

This beginning part of the meeting should take no more
than 7 minutes - OK, 15 at the absolute tops!

3.  The Program is presented and lasts from 30 minutes
to 50 minutes.

4.  Last call for raffle tickets and raffle drawing

5.  BREAK (5 to 10 minutes tops)

6.  Business Meeting

7.  Adjournment

 Of course, there is nothing profound here!  It’s just
a simple rearrangement that might be an enticement to
some to increase their attendance.  Maybe it’s worth a
try!  Respectfully submitted for your consideration  -
73 – Don N4HH

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