[SEDXC] SEDXC mentoring program gets favorable mention from Gerrgia Section Manager!

MAllphin at aol.com MAllphin at aol.com
Mon Oct 1 09:46:41 EDT 2007

The following is excerpted from the latest monthly update from Susan K.  
Swiderski, AF4FO, the Georgia SM:

SE DX CLUB--- During the month of October, members will be enjoying  a
little friendly competition. As part of their new mentoring  program,
they've been telling new HF operators that you don't have to have  a
tower, a state-of-the-art beam and a megawatts amplifier to have  fun
working the world. To prove it, during this month, they'll be  limiting
themselves to the use of no more than 100W and a wire antenna.  The
objective will be to see which club member can work the most  DX
entities. Should be interesting. 


Some of our clubs (as well as some individual hams) here in GA  have
always taken an interest in mentoring new hams, because they've  always
understood that getting a license is just the beginning. If new  hams
don't feel included in the local ham community, and don't have  anyone
to provide guidance, they oftentimes lose interest altogether.  Might
not even go to the bother of ever buying a radio or getting on the  air.
Since the rule changes earlier this year, the number of hams who  are
earning new licenses, or upgrading to a higher class has  skyrocketed.
Let's compare the numbers from January 1- July 31, 2006, to  those for
that same time period this year. New technician licensees:  2006-12,268;
2007-15,549; New/Upgraded General class licensees:  2006-2,384;
2007-15,730(!!!) and Extra: 2006-1,909; 2007-4.284. So, as you  can see,
the need for active mentoring is greater than ever. 

Members  of the SE DX Club are actively working on a program designed to
reach out to  hams with new HF privileges. How about your club?  

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