[SEDXC] Georgia QSO Party logger

Chaz Cone w4gkf at chazcone.com
Sun Apr 6 17:37:18 EDT 2008

Last year I built a logging program useful only by Georgia stations 
for the GQP and made it available to Georgia-based stations at no charge.

It's called "GQPLOG" and it's not as elaborate as commercial logging 
programs, but it is quick and easy to use.  If you'd like a copy, 
just shoot me an email and I'll email you the program and documentation.

I updated it for the changes to the 2008 rules; you should try it by 
simulating a few contacts before the contest; if you encounter any 
problems, please let me know and I'll get them solved before Saturday.

Looking forward to the 2008 GQP!!


Chaz W4GKF
2008 Georgia QSO Party (GQP) Awards Manager 

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