[SEDXC] Claimed Scores Last Weekend's Contests; GQP and other lesser contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Apr 9 11:16:03 EDT 2008

Last weekend's claimed scores:

1.  SP DX Contest
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mult  Score   Category    Time    State   Notes
K1ZZI   168   0     31    15,624  SOABCWHP    __      GA
K4ZGB    64  16     27     6,480  SOABMixHP    3      AL
K2SX     42   0     26     3,276  SOABCWHP     2.2    SC
N4GG     32   0     12     1,152  SOSB/20CWHP  2.0    GA
KY5R      0   ?      ?         ?  SOSB/20SSB?P ?      AL
K4BAI     2   0      2        12  SOSB/20CWHP  0:08   GA

2.  Missouri QSO Party
N4JF     23   5     19     2,869  SOABLP       4      AL  Includes bonus
K1ZZI    12   6     16       480  SOABHP       _      GA
K4BAI    13   2     12       366  SOABHP       0:48   GA

3.  EA RTTY Contest
KE4KWE  226  101  45,854  SOABLP   7  AL
W4HOD   201  108  39,780  MO LP   12  AL
K1ZZI    93   18  10,900  SOABHP  __  GA

4.  NCCC Ladder 4/4/08
N4OGW  39  24    936  SOLP    0.5   MS

5.  QRPARCI Sprint Contest
K4BAI   9   6  1,764  5W QRP  0:26  GA

6.  April ARS Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  34         34  5W QRP  2.0   GA

7.  April NAQCC Sprint
K4BAI  42  17  2,822  5W QRP  2.0   GA

This weekend brings the annual Georgia QSO Party, likely to be the best 
ever with the possibility of having all 159 counties QRV and someone 
could even work them all!

1.  Foxtravaganza.  0100-0230Z Friday (Thursday local).  80 and 40 CW. 
Centered around 3560 and 7040.  5W QRP maximum.  Anyone can work all the 
Foxes, Alternates, and Committee members from this season.  Those 
stations will be calling "CQ FOX" on these two bands.  Exchange:  RST, 
SPC, Name, Power.  Just fun working 2x QRP.

2.  NCCC Sprint Ladder Week 5.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday local). 
160-20M CW.  Max pwr 100 watts.  Exchange:  Both calls, #, Name, SPC. 
One kHz QSY rules. Dupes OK after band change or one intervening QSO.

     The slow speed version will run 0200-0215Z on 80 and 40 CW. 
Exchange and power limit and dupes and QSY rules the same as the 
previous paragraph.  Keep speeds to 22 WPM and under.

3.  Japan International DX Contest, CW.  07Z Sat to 13Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST and CQ Zone (05 for GA and SC; 04 for AL) or JA 
prefecture #.

4.  European Spring Sprint CW.  16-1959Z Sat.  80-20M CW.  Exchange: 
Both calls, #, Name.  2 kHz QSY rule.

5.  Georgia QSO Party.  18Z Sat 0359Z Sun.  14Z to 2359Z Sun. 
CW/Digital and phone.  160-6M.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or GA county 
abbreviation.  All info at http://gqp.contesting.com.  PLEASE work any 
stations you can and make this a big event.

6.  Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest.  21Z Sat to 21Z Sun.  160-10M 
+ Satellite, CW only.  Exchange:  RST and ITU Zone # (08 for us).

7.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon.  00-24Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + SPC + power.

GA stations might want to keep a copy of this with them in case they are 
called by someone in one of the other contests.  Maybe you can give them 
what they want while getting a RS(T) and SPC or "DX" from them.


John, K4BAI.

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