[SEDXC] (no subject)

wb4a at comcast.net wb4a at comcast.net
Fri Apr 18 11:57:49 EDT 2008

Hello everyone!  Just got this email from my buddy Bruce, XW1B in Laos so as a first for me I thought that I would pass it along in case of someone needing the XW

73, Rich, Msg follows:

Hey to All !
  Just an FYI - there was a great opening to E. Coast US tonight (Fri 1230Z).  I was beaming
  straight across EU and everyone said I was pounding in Stateside.  I ran the pile for over an
  hour before things started to drop off........in the list were 12 FL stations.  I hope to repeat
  same tomorrow (Sat evening my time).  John, KB4FB said he heard me 5/7 to 5/9 at his Qth.
  Watch out!!!!!  Barring any rain the MonstIR goes up on Monday!

                   Bruce E. Ault
              Vientiane, LAO PDR

              Cell:  087-107-6444
     From the U.S. 1-66-87-107-6444

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