[SEDXC] FJ/OH2AM Approved

Gordon gmacie at bellsouth.net
Fri Jan 11 16:15:56 EST 2008

Announcement from the ARRL DXCC Desk

Jan 11, 2008 15:50 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L <mailto:dxcc at arrl.org>


This operation by OH2BH and OH0XX was conducted under CEPT 
Recommendation T/R 61-01. This Recommendation makes it possible for 
radio amateurs from CEPT countries (and certain non-CEPT countries) to 
operate in other CEPT countries without obtaining an individual 
temporary license from the visited CEPT country.

Complaints were received from several individuals. The main thrust of 
the complaints is that the operators used a club call for which Laine is 
station trustee, rather than their individual callsigns.

The intention of the operators in using a single callsign was to limit 
the number of duplicate contacts. Many DXpeditions use club or 
special-issue callsigns for this reason. The Recommendation makes no 
mention of club callsigns but says that the visiting license holder 
"must use his national call sign preceded by the call sign prefix of the 
visited country." Other operations using club callsigns from French 
territory, including in the Caribbean, have taken place under provisions 
of the Recommendation and have been credited for DXCC.

Since the question was raised, checking with various CEPT 
administrations and with the European Radiocommunication Office (ERO) 
has revealed different views regarding the use of club callsigns under 
the Recommendation. The ERO observes that the use of a club callsign 
could prevent an administration from determining whether a particular 
operator is qualified and concludes, "Club members, including the holder 
of the club call sign, should use their national personal call signs 
when abroad."

In the case of FJ/OH2AM, the two operators clearly were qualified to 
operate in St Barthelemy under the Recommendation. They utilized a call 
authorized to them by their national authority. The purpose of a radio 
station callsign is to identify the administration and the licensee 
responsible for the operation of the station. The use of FJ/OH2AM rather 
than FJ/OH2BH and FJ/OH0XX did not thwart this purpose.

11 January, 2008

Operations Approved for DXCC Credit

Jan 11, 2008 15:46 ET
Bill Moore, NC1L <mailto:dxcc at arrl.org>

The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

*TT8PK -- Chad*

2007 and current 2008 Operations

*YK9SV -- Syria*

2007 Operation

*6E4LM, XF4YK and XF4YW -- Revillagigedo*

2007 Operations

*FJ/OH2AM -- Saint Barthelemy*

2007 Operation

*TN6X -- Republic of The Congo*

2007 Operation

*TN9Z -- Republic of The Congo*

2007 Operation

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L

DXCC Manager

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