[SEDXC] Here's a word from the International DX Association

Chaz Cone w4gkf at chazcone.com
Tue Jan 29 22:31:10 EST 2008

..that they asked me to post to the reflector.

Chaz, W4GKF
SEDXC Webmaster & Database Dude

>From: "John Scott" <jascott at mi-connection.com>
>To: <w4nt at arrl.net>
>Subject: A word from the International DX Association
>Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 21:04:02 -0500
>International DX Association, Inc.
>P.O. Box 123
>Catawba, SC 29704
>January 25, 2008
>We are sending you this letter as one who is the 
>contact for Southeastern DX Club
>as identified on the ARRL’s list of affiliated 
>amateur radio clubs. We wish to provide
>you some information about the International DX 
>Association—most often referred
>to as INDEXA—and ask that you share our message 
>with all of your members, either
>at one of your meetings or via your club newsletter. If you or other members
>of your group find what we are doing is 
>worthwhile, then we ask that you support
>INDEXA by becoming a member.
>In 1983 INDEXA was incorporated as a non-profit 
>organization to provide assistance
>to various DXpeditions to rare and semi-rare DXCC entities. This year we are
>celebrating our 25th anniversary of providing 
>that support. In that time, INDEXA
>has helped over 175 expeditions to operate from many countries on the
>DX "most wanted" list. We have supported expeditions to many very rare DXCC
>entities, sometimes more than once. In our earlier years we actually supplied
>radio equipment such as rigs, antennas, coax , 
>etc., along with purely financial
>support. Over time our support has become principally financial contributions
>since most of today’s DXpeditions are receiving 
>valuable support from the various
>equipment manufacturers.
>The latest information on propagation 
>predictions are that the next Solar Cycle
>began in early January 2008. It looks like we are now beginning that positive
>climb to what is believed to be a very strong cycle which in turn leads to
>great propagation on the bands. This positive 
>propagation trend will certainly
>lead to more DXpeditions wanting to activate countries from the "Most Wanted"
>DXCC list. Between December 2007 and March 2008, INDEXA is supporting five
>separate DXpeditions. We have a lot more fun in store the next few years in
>our DXing hobby.
>What does this mean for INDEXA? Simply, INDEXA 
>will be solicited for financial
>support to help send DXpeditions on their way. DXpeditions make possible all
>time new DXCC entities for some and new band entities/countries for many.
>Yet, many DXpeditions are undertaken only when 
>sufficient "seed money" is pledged
>to render them possible, and that is where an organization like INDEXA comes
>into play.
>As a group which has expressed interest in Amateur Radio DXing, we presume
>your club is interested in making DX happen. Beyond financial support that
>your organization may already be providing—often 
>after the fact, via contributions
>with your QSL activity—we ask that members of 
>your group join INDEXA, a non-profit
>DX organization which has as one of its main goals provision of financial aid
>to DXpeditions seeking to activate rare DX entities. A visit to our web site
>at <http://www.indexa.org>www.indexa.org will 
>provide an informative overview of our organization
>and our DXing history. The web site also provides information on how to join
>electronically or by mail.
>If you are already a member of INDEXA, we value 
>your support so we can continue
>supporting DXpeditions as we have done for a quarter century.
>Thanks and best DX !!
>Gary Dixon, K4MQG, INDEXA President
>John Scott, K8YC, INDEXA Vice-President
>Bill Jennings, W4UNP, INDEXA Secretary-Treasurer

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