[SEDXC] Public Service Opportunity

Jeff Carter sedxc at hidden-valley.com
Thu Mar 20 23:17:44 EDT 2008

Hi all,

As many of you know, I'm involved with media coordination for the
National Football League.

Another brave soul who does the same thing I do, except in New York,
is Steve, W2ML.

He's going to be down here in Atlanta a week from Sunday for the
Marathon, and he's trying to round up some folks to help with

I have posted this to the Southeast DX Club remailer, the Firefighters
Group, and the handful of emails I've gotten through KARC and NFARL
because these are the most active area groups with which I've had
recent contact.  I've also copied Susan, the ARRL contact for the

If you are not able to participate but may know a currently licensed
ham who is, please pass this along.  It should be a great opportunity
to meet some people you might not otherwise run into, and a chance to
be a part of something and give back a little.

I've copied the original message from Steve below.  Please contact him
directly at w2ml at arrl.org if you'd like to come out and pitch in.

Jeff Carter KD4RBG
Society of Broadcast Engineers
NFL Atlanta

Hi Jeff.  I just got a call to come down to Atlanta a week from Sunday
for the Georgia Marathon.

I was also asked by the technical director of the race if I knew anyone
who was a ham who could help.

I realize this is a last minute thing, but would you be able to help me
round up a dozen or so hams to help with this event?  The Tech Director
is also a ham and has asked myself and Alan Steinfeld, W2TN, former
of the New York Road Runners, to come down and help.

Any chance you could?

-73- Steve, W2ML
Jets GDC and.....

Communications Director
ING New York City Marathon
ING Miami Marathon

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