[SEDXC] Good Contest Results Writer Needed for Ga QSO Party

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Mon Mar 24 17:28:12 EDT 2008

Hello all:

Many of you have probably seen good contest write ups after state QSO 
parties.  Most of the time they are mailed out to participants with 
certificates or separately for those who don't win certificates and 
posted on the contest webpage.  Sometimes, participants just receive an 
e-mail to go to a webpage to view the results.

These results often result in a good recap of the contest, highlighting 
the high achievers and award winners and some human interest points. 
They may include "soapbox" comments from logs.

There then are things like top ten tables, new all time record boxes, 
and breakdowns of scores for each county, state, province, and country.

We have not done this very well since we started the contest back in 
1999.  I can take some time and do a half way job of it as I did in 
1999, although I don't know if it was ever highly circulated.  But, I am 
not up to the task of taking on another project at the moment.

A good contest writeup is a great marketing tool for future years' 
contests.  I hope this year we can write that, for the first time, all 
GA counties were active and maybe even that someone worked them all!

I am hoping that there is someone out there who likes to write, likes to 
fool with statistics, and would take on this task for the GQP beginning 
this year.  NE4S will furnish the data.  There are plenty of examples on 
contest websites.  Probably the most extensive are found in Florida, 
California, Pennsylvania.  Ours doesn't have to rival those, but we do 
need an interesting and comprehensive report.

How about it?  Are there any volunteers?  Please e-mail me directly if 
you are interested.


John, K4BAI.

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