[SEDXC] GQP Final logs are in

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Sun May 18 16:03:27 EDT 2008

The deadline for GQP logs was Thursday, with an extension to Saturday for a few that were on the way.
John, K4BAI, has one or more paper logs that made the postmark that he is sending in. 
409 logs were posted, the paper logs may put us at 410 (+?).
Thanks to the members of SECC and SEDXC who helped us make this the best participation for GQP ever.
409 logs, 56183 Qs, 158 of 159 counties in the party make 2008 our best year.
Your sponsorship and generosity make this fun possible.
Thanks, but sorry, to some logs that came in late, we can use them as checklogs though.
This is my first posting on SEDXC, sorry for the any oversight.  
The good part is you got the final posting without the preliminary hype.
Bad is next year... hi..   I know many of you are in both clubs though.
The web site is showing final at 409 right now, a couple more may be in the mail.
Scores were run and are out as preliminary to the GQP team for help in correcting my errors.
We will publish and send awards and certificates in a month or so.
http://gqp.contesting.com/ has the logs and soapbox... scores soon.
73, Mike, NE4S
Get in ALQP...

 Please use ne4s at iham.us or mike1230 at mcnet.us as my address.
GQP was 4/12-13.. Send the log in. See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well


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