[SEDXC] Some new pics on GQP site

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 22 04:58:10 PDT 2009

The folks from Savannah had a combined club outing for GQP.
Costal Amateur Radio Society, and Amateur Radio Club of Savannah went to the field and had some fun.

Their outing is fully described at HTML clipboardhttp://k4gtm.blogspot.com/2009/04/april-11th-georgia-qso-party-outing.html 
The K4GTM blog.  
I know more clubs were out there too, send the pics. 

Club activities of this type are a great way to get the membership out for a spring event.
I am hoping that more of the clubs can put GQP on their April event calendars.

Next year let's hope for some video and YouTube links...

Ted, W4NZ sent a pic of the mighty rover station, neat.  "Mo pics, Mo betta"

I will do a log update tonight, but then will be away for a couple weeks.
So the next full log update may be about May 4th from Colorado.
Keep them coming in, I will send quick response notes as is possible from the road.

Mike, NE4S

 Please use ne4s at iham.us or mike1230 at mcnet.us as my address.
GQP, the fastest growing QSO party, is on  4/11+12 2009.
See gqp.contesting.com  !
Be well


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