[SEDXC] Contesting Survey; Reply to K1AR

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Aug 25 14:58:35 PDT 2009

This is a great thread -- thanks to N4ZR for starting it. I'm always  
interested in real data when topics like this one emerge. My email provider and  
I may both regret this, but if you're interested, send me a brief private 
email  with the following data points:
1) Your age
2) Age you got your first license
3) Age you started contest operating
4) # of years of contest experience (I could calculate this, but you can  
make it easier by doing it for me)
After about 10 days, I'll summarize the results in a post back to the  
reflector. Category winners will be passed to K6VVA so he can give you free  
stuff (just kidding).
73 John, K1AR
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