[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Aug 26 11:34:38 PDT 2009

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Ohio QSO Party
Call    CW Q Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score   Category  Time  State  Club  Misc
W4IX    125  135   63    59    47,001  SOLP      10.5  SC     SECC
K4SAV   146   67   68    36    37,336  SOHP      10.6  AL     ACG
K4BAI   131   81   66    39    36,015  SOHP       7:56 GA     SECC
K4ZGB   117   86   57    45    32,640  SOLP      10    AL     ACG
W4UCZ   126    0   68     0    17,136  SOLP      __    GA     SECC
KU8E     77   24   44    18    11,036  SOHP      __    GA     SECC
WX4MM     0  140    0    56     7,840  SOHP       7    AL     ACG
N3ZL     34   25   23    22     4,185  SOLP      ~3.5  SC     SECC  At 
K2SX     47    0   31     0     2,914  SOLP       2    SC     SECC*
N3FY     18   23   16    19     2,100  SOLP       1.5  GA     SECC
KJ4UNA    0   20    0    20       320  SOLP       2    AL     ACG

2.  NCCC NS Practice 8/21/09
N4OGW  55  41  2,255  SOLP  0.5  MS  ACG
W4NZ   48  38  1,824  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  45  35  1,575  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
K0EJ   36  27    972  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
KY4F   11  11    121  SOLP  0.5  AL  ACG

3.  Straight Key Century Club August Weekday Sprint
KC4FLT  2  2  4  QRP5W  AL

This Week's Contests:

1.  SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint CW Practice.  0200-0215Z Friday (Thursday 
night local).  100W maximum.  18 WPM maximum. No same band dupes.  20, 
40, 80 CW.
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.

2.  NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night 
local).  100W maximum.  No same band dupes.  20, 40, 80M CW.  Exchange:  
both calls,
#, name, SPC.  Mults count per band.

3.  Slovenian Contest Club (SCC? RTTY Championship.  12Z Sat to 12Z 
Sun.  80-10M RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + 4 digit year first licensed.

4.  YO (Romania) DX HF Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.   80-10M CW/SSB.  
Exchange:  RS(T) + Serian # or YO District Abbreviation.  There is 
usually a lot of activity in this one, particularly on CW.

5.  Kansas QSO Party.  14Z Sat to 02Z Sun; 14-20Z Sun.  80-2M 
CW/SSB/Digital.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or KS county.  Bonus points for 
QSOs with either or both KC0AHN and KS0KS.  This is a new one this 
year.  It is my impression that it has been highly advertised and will 
be supported by KS stations.  I think a number of mobiles will be QRV.  
Should be fun at least on CW and SSB.  RTTY will conflict on Saturday 
with SCC, but no conflict on Sunday.

6.  South African Radio League (SARL) HF Contest.  14-16Z Sunday.  
80-20M CW only.  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.

7.  20 M QRP Fox Hunt.  Tuesday night local.  0100-0230Z Wednesday.  Two 
QRP foxes will be hiding between 14050 and 14070 CW.  Use 5W QRP or 
less.  Work
only the two foxes.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  This will be the 
last of the summer series of QRP Fox Hunts.  There will be 40 and 80M 
Hunts this Fall-Winter-Spring.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend.  I'm looking forward to 
hunting for QSOs in the YO HF Contest in the Extra Class bands.

73,  John, K4BAI.

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