[SEDXC] GQP logging program updated....

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 25 09:53:38 EST 2009

Hi Folks,

WinGQP is updated to the third release.
It is still a "Beta" but working pretty well.

This version can be used as a basic logger, (without CW and Radio functions.)
Hand keys, Outboard keyers, or a rig's cw memories would do the job.

WinKey support is now in the works for later.

for the info and download.

I do not expect very many users of this logger, but it is available for free, and is pretty simple.
Chaz's GQP logger is also available for DOS users.

And, YES, this is a shameless plug for GQP April 11 and 12.

Please promote the party at your club meetings, and hamfests.

I am still looking for a brave volunteer to handle the "bonus" prizes.
It is not a big job, and new ideas and approaches are welcome.
This part of GQP has been very well received, and I hope we can continue it.
Pop a note to me at my address below if you are available to help out.

Let me know of any rover, fixed, or other operating plans.
I will try to keep up by posting on the web site.

Mike, NE4S

 Please use ne4s at iham.us or mike1230 at mcnet.us as my address.
GQP, the fastest growing QSO party, is on 4/11+12 2009.
See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well 


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