[SEDXC] Fwd: [MDXA] Fw: [Pete's-dx-newsdesk] CQ to Accept eQSL Confirmations for Awar...

BLamboley at aol.com BLamboley at aol.com
Tue Jan 13 07:29:15 EST 2009

>From Floyd Gerald - N5FG, CQ WAZ administrator.
 From: floydgee at datasync.com
To: mdxa at w5ue.net
CC: n5zm at adxa.org,  sbolia at woh.rr.com, k1bv at sbcglobal.net, 
w3azd at bellsouth.net,  jperkins_n6aw at sbcglobal.net, siectkutilang at yahoo.com,  
gldc1090 at netvision.net.il, w2rq at embarqmail.com, hb9dte at uska.ch,  9h1sp at nextgen.net.mt, 
la5yj at hotmail.com,  johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk, jangraf at ameritech.net,  
yl2mu at apollo.lv, ve3xn at persona.ca, dhinte at sprintpcs.com, dmr148 at hotmail.com,  
ba4rf at hotmail.com, ku4bp at triad.rr.com, N4AA at dxpub.com, nc1l at arrl.org,  
zs2dl_1 at absamail.co.za, n4uf at nofars.org, dxac-i at reflector.arrl.org,  
gdixon at comporium.net, sv1dpi at otenet.gr
Sent: 1/13/2009 7:22:27 A.M. Eastern  Standard Time
Subj: [MDXA] Fw: [Pete's-dx-newsdesk] CQ to Accept  eQSL Confirmations 
for Award Credit

This IS NOW official
Please help pass the word
WAZ Manager for CQ
----- Original Message -----  
From: _Pete's-DX-Newsdesk_ (mailto:dx.newsdesk at ntlworld.com)  
To: _1-PETE's Newsdesk_ (mailto:petes-dx-newsdesk at yahoogroups.com)  
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 2:06 AM
Subject: [Pete's-dx-newsdesk] CQ to Accept eQSL Confirmations for  Award 

ANTI-VIRUS This Mail has NO Attachments

CQ Communications, Inc. / 25  Newbridge Rd. / Hicksville, NY 11801 / Phone: 
681-2922 / Fax:  (516-681-2926) / e-mail:_w2vu at cq-amateur-w2vu@cq-a_ 
(mailto:w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com) 


For more information, contact:

Richard Moseson,  W2VU
Editor, CQ Amateur Radio
(516) 681-2922 / _w2vu at cq-amateur-w2vu@cq-a_ 
(mailto:w2vu at cq-amateur-radio.com) 

Dave  Morris, N5UP
Founder and Webmaster, eQSL.cc
_N5UP at eqsl.cc_ (mailto:N5UP at eqsl.cc) 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 13, 2009

CQ to Accept eQSL Confirmations for Award  Credit
(Hicksville, NY and Bedford, TX, January 13, 2009) - CQ magazine  will 
accept contact confirmations made on the eQSL.cc electronic  confirmation 
for its operating awards effective immediately, CQ  Editor Rich Moseson, 
and eQSL Founder and Webmaster Dave Morris,  N5UP, announced today.

There will be certain limitations and procedural  differences for different 
awards, at least to start. Only confirmations  from "Authenticity Guaranteed" 
members of eQSL will be accepted, and in  accordance with existing eQSL 
policy, a 
membership level of bronze or  higher is required in order to participate in 
award programs via  eQSL.

"This is the first time that CQ has formally accepted anything  other than 
traditional paper QSL cards for its awards," said Moseson. "We  have been 
with Dave Morris and his team for several months to  assure that the 
integrity of 
our awards programs will be protected and to  create mechanisms to make it 
for both award applicants and award  managers to use eQSL credits toward our 
awards. All of our award managers  have been involved in this process and 
this action."

"We  want to express our great appreciation to Dave and his team for their  
willingness to do whatever was necessary to make this agreement possible,"  
Moseson added. "It has been a pleasure working with them and we look  forward 
a long-lasting relationship.a

"We are pleased to be  adding CQ to the top of our list of amateur 
organizations that accept  electronic QSLs," said Morris. "CQ has some of the 
most highly  sought-after awards, and we have been working behind the scenes 
years  to create credit submission mechanisms that would ensure the integrity 
their programs without introducing any additional labor for the award  
We believe the electronic QSL can drastically reduce costs, and  the award 
application mechanisms we have developed will provide for more  efficient 
processing at reduced cost for both the applicant and the award  manager."

Applicants for the CQ DX and CQ DX Field Awards must print  out their eQSLs 
and submit them along with their traditional QSLs to a CQ  checkpoint or to 
Awards Manager Billy Williams, N4UF. eQSL has an  automated process in place 
applicants for CQ's Worked All Zones, WPX  and USA-Counties awards. N5UP 
how that will work for the  applicant:

"The applicant goes to the My Awards screen. He clicks on  the particular 
award he wants to apply for. This brings up a list of the  credits our system 
'thinks' he is entitled to. There are checkboxes that  allow him to check 
ones he wants to use, and we automatically  pre-fill one credit per category 
he doesn't have to do anything if he  wants to take the defaults. At the 
of the screen are two buttons:  'Submit to CQ' and 'Print Paper Application'of

The "submit" button  will place all the selected QSOs into a file for the 
award manager to  access, while the "print" button will generate a printed 
to be  submitted along with the traditional application. PLEASE NOTE that ALL 
applicants must send the award fee payment to the CQ Award Manager,  
of how the application is submitted. Some CQ award managers are  now 
PayPal; see individual award web pages for details. All  awards will continue 
accept traditional QSLs as well as eQSLs. For the  USA-Counties Award 
applicants must note on their record books  (or printouts) whether each 
has been confirmed traditionally (with  an "X" to the right of the entry) or 
electronically (with an "E" next to  the entry).

For more information on eQSL, visit _http://www.eQSL.ht_ 

For more  information on CQ awards, visit the awards page on the CQ website 
_http://www.cq-http://www.cq-http_ (http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com./)   
Please note that the award rules posted on the 
website have not yet been  updated to reflect the acceptance of eQSLs. This 
be done as soon as  possible, but the policy takes effect immediately.

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Please send all news  items, or queries to the Newsdesk
Mni Tnx es 73 de Pete at the  Newsdesk.
Homepage: _http://www.dx-newsdesk.co.uk_ (http://www.dx-newsdesk.co.uk/) 
The  ISWL HQ homepage: _http://www.iswl.org.uk_ (http://www.iswl.org.uk/)  
(The ISWL Awards  programme is open to all Hams and SWL's Worldwide). 
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