[SEDXC] Huntsville hamfest 2009 - Saturday (08/15) + Sunday (08/16)

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 11 12:32:51 PDT 2009

The largest indoor hamfest in the S.E. is only 5 weeks away!  Looks like we'll have a club table there again this year and possibly DX forums.

If you can help man our table for an hour or two, please pick a time slot.

Saturday - Setup 8AM - 9AM, 9AM - 4PM
Sunday   - 9AM - 3PM

Discount hotel rates (mention the hamfest):

Holiday Inn Select ($82/night)  256-533-1400
Embassy Suites ($112/night)  356-539-7373

If you're driving up for the day, let's try to organize carpools...

Gary - WB4SQ


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