[SEDXC] Off to the RSGB convention!

MAllphin at aol.com MAllphin at aol.com
Mon Oct 5 14:57:04 PDT 2009

Hi Y'all,
    I am departing tomorrow for 8 days in the  UK.  Prior to and after the 
RSGB convention I will be traveling with Roger,  G3SXW and visiting DXers in 
GU, GJ, GD, GW and GI.  I hope to get on the  air from a few spots....
   During the weekend, I will make three K5D  presentations at the RSGB 
convention including one where I will introduce the  new K5D video.  Also, on 
Saturday night I will present G3NUG, Neville with  the CQ DX Hall of Fame 
plaque.  The SEDXC nominated him for inclusion  in the HOF!
   Wish me luck...the WX over there sounds  dismal!
73, Bob-K4UEE

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