[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 2 10:37:47 PDT 2009

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  YO (Romania) DX HF Contest
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mult  Score    Category  Time  State  Club
K4BAI  313   31    118   169,448  SOABMixHP 15:10 GA     SECC
N3ZL   288    0     77    55,055  SOABCWLP   6    SC     SECC  At WD4EOG
W4OX   211    0     54    42,012  SOABCWLP   8.5  SC     SECC
W4BQF   98    0     52    22,152  SOABCWHP   1.9  GA     SECC
N4GG    83    0     53    17,119  SOABCWHP   3    GA     SECC
K2SX    34    0     21     2,751  SOABCWHP   2    SC     SECC
K4EA     5    0      4        72  SOSB/15HP <1    GA     SECC

2.  Kansas QSO Party
K4ZGB   79   79     69    27,455  SOLP      12    AL     ACG
K4BAI   72   65     66    23,036  SOHP       9:51 GA     SECC
N4PN    38   16     29     4,522  SOLP       3    GA     SECC
K2SX    16    0     15       480  SOHP       2    SC     SECC
N3FY     2   14     11       474  SOLP       2    GA     SECC
K4OD     1    6      1       244  SOQRP      5.5  GA     SECC

3.  Slovenian Contest Club RTTY Championship
K9MUG  514  161  195,454  SOABHP      11:20  AL  ACG
K4HAL  303  116   82,128  SOABHP       6     AL  ACG
AA4U   243   90   56,610  SOABLP       9     AL  ACG
KE4UNA 151   86   30,014  SOABLP       _     AL  ACG
K4EA    50   35    4,16   SOAB(A)HP    6     GA  SECC  All on 15M.
KC4HW   56   21    ____   SOSB/40(A)LP 1:15  AL  ACG

4.  NCCC NS Practice 8/28/09
N4OGW  50  34   1,700  SOLP  0.5  MS  ACG  SO2R
K0EJ   47  33   1,551  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
W4NZ   44  34   1,496  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  38  30   1,140  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  SNS Slow Speed NA CW Practice.  0200-0215Z Friday (Thursday night
local).  20, 40, 80M CW.  100W maximum.  18 WPM maximum.  One kHz QSY
rule.  Exchange:  Both calls, #, name, SPC.  Last week many station used
hand keys.  Maybe they will do the same this week.  No same band dupes.

2.  NS NCCC NA CW Practice.  0230-0250Z Friday (Thursday night local).
20, 40, 80M CW.  100W maximum.  One kHz QSY rule.  No same band dupes.
Exchange:  both calls, #, name SPC.

3.  All Asia SSB Contest.  48 hours of Sat/Sun.  80-10M Phone.
Exchange:  RS + Age.  (00 is OK for YLs)

4.  Russian RTTY WW Contest.  00-24Z Sat.  80-10M RTTY.  Exchange:  RST
+ CQ zone or RU 2 letter Oblast abbreviation.

5.  Colorado QSO Party.  12Z Sat to 04Z Sun.  160-UHF CW/Ph/Digital.
Exchange:  Name + SPC or CO county.  Maybe GQP chairman NE4S will be QRV
from his CO QTH.  I heard him working KS stations last weekend.

6.  RSGB SSB Field Day.  13Z Sat to 13Z Sun.  80-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS
+ Serial #.

7.  IARU Region One Phone Field Day.  13Z Sat to 1259Z Sun. 160-10M SSB.
Exchange:  RS + Serial #.      I usually just combine the number from
these two activities rather than trying to keep up with two different
sets of numbers.

8.  Tennessee QSO Party.  18Z Sun to 03Z Mon.  160-UHF, 
CW/Phone/Digital.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or TN. county.  Note that 
there is a team competition in the Tenn QSO Party.  Let's get up a few 
teams.  We do not need to register them beforehand, but we would need to 
know for score submissions, I assume.  So, anyone who knows he or she 
can be QRV in the TN QSO Party, please let me know right away and we'll 
make up some teams.  If anyone does get to participate but hasn't let me 
know in advance, please let me know ASAP after the contest ends on 
Sunday night and we can fill up a team or teams.

9.  Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint.  23Z Mon to 03Z Tues.  160-6M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + MiQRP member # or power.

10.  September Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint.  01-03Z Tuesday 
(Monday night).  80-10M CW.  5W maximum.  Yes, there is an overlap with 
the MiQRP event for these two hours.  Unless you are a member of MiQRP 
Club, the exchange is the same for both events, so get in with your 5W 
or less rig and submit the four hours for MiQRP and just the last two 
for Spartan Sprint.

Hope everyone has a nice week and holiday weekend and makes a lot of 
QSOs.  I have my Alpha 78 back from repair by N4UQ.  Major repairs in 
only about two weeks.  Dick will appreciate any broadcast or amplifier 
business you can send him.  E-mail address is on QRZ.COM.

73, John, K4BAI.

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