[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 9 13:22:25 PDT 2009

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Tennessee QSO Party
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score    Category  Time  St  Club  Team etc.
W4NZ/M  1113     0  115  383,985  MobMOLPCW  9    TN  TCG   Ops: W4NZ, 
K4BAI    139    44  113   57,565  FixSOHPMix 8:26 GA  SECC  SECC#1
W4IX     118    32   94   39,593  FixSOLPMix 8    SC  SECC  SECC#1
W4BQF    133     0   97   38,703  FixSOHPCW  3:42 GA  SECC  SECC#3
K2SX     117     0   90   32,190  FixSOHPCW  2    SC  SECC  SECC#3
W4SVO     56    72   88   28,156  FixSOHPMix 7    FL  SECC  SECC#1
K1ZZI     92    10   82   24,772  FixSOHPMix _    GA  SECC  SECC#1
N4GG      61     1   50    9,550  FixSOHPMix 3    GA  SECC  SECC#3  SO2R
W4UCZ     51     0   40    6,120  FixSOLPCW  _    GA  SECC  SECC#2
W4DD      14     9   16    1,560  FixSOLPMix 2    GA  SECC  SECC#2
NM2L      24     0   20    1,440  FixSOLPCW  3    GA  SECC  SECC#3
W4GFA      5     0    4       20  FixSOLPCW   .5  SC  SECC
N3FY       2     0    2       12  FixSOLPCW  2    GA  SECC  SECC#3


SECC#1  150,085
SECC#2    7,680 + KT4ZB, NE4S/WY & NE4S/MT
SECC#3   81,895

SECC turned out at least 12 team members.  Several scores not reported 
yet.  N4UC and W4BXI were heard QRV from AL, but no reports yet. 
K4ZGB/M from AL was QRV in a number of TN counties, but hasn't figured 
out his claimed score yet.  No one from our clubs reported any digital 
QSOs, but I believe N2WN reported 10.

2.  Russian RTTY Contest
AA4U    397  105  334,950  SOABLP     14     AL  ACG
K9MUG   379  105  316,575  SOABHP     12     AL  ACG
W4BQF    94   30   31,600  SOSB/20HP   3:08  GA  SECC
KG4CUY   62   31   15,035  SOABHP      4     AL  ACG

3. All Asia DX Contest, SSB
KY5R     81   45    3,600  SOSB/20HP   6     AL  ACG
K4BAI    39   28    1,092  SOSB/20HP   2:03  GA  SECC
AA4LR    24   24      576  SOABHP      7     GA  SECC
K4JRB    ~8    _      ___  SOSB/20LP   0:25  GA  SECC

4.  Colorado QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score  Category  Time  St  Club
K4BAI   66    32    27    25   8,528  SOMixHP   6:32  GA  SECC
K2SX    31     0    17     0   2,040  SOCW HP   2     SC  SECC
N3FY    18     5    12     5   1,394  SOMixLP   3     GA  SECC
There was a Digital feature to this contest, but I didn't notice any 
reports of digital QSOs.  It is particularly difficult to have Digital 
QSOs in a state QSO party when there is a conflict with an international 
RTTY contest, which was the case for most of the Co QSO Party period.

5.  NCCC NS NA Sprint CW Practice, 9/4/09
K4BAI   45  29  1,305  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
K1ZZI   40  27  1,080  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
W4NZ/M  22  16    352  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG

6.  Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint
K4BAI  90  46  10,212  SOQRP5W  3:37  GA  SECC

7.  Adventure Radio Society September Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  54          54  SOQRP5W(Tubby)  2.0  GA  SECC

I also worked a total of 50 European Field Day SSB stations, some in the 
UK and some in the rest of Region One.  All but two were on 20M and two 
were on 40M.

This Week's Contests:

1.  FISTS CW Club Get Your Feet Wet Weekend.  72 hours of Friday-Sunday 
UTC.  (So it starts Thursday night local.)  CW.  80-10M.  Suggested 
frequencies:  3558, 7110, 14110 (yes that's right), 21110, and 28110.
Exchange:  RST + Name + SPC + FISTS Member # or Power + last two digits 
of year first licensed.  Sign your call /E for experienced or /N for 
newcomer.  This means to CW contesting.  You decide which category you 
fit in.  Forms may be downloaded from the website.  This is the FISTS 
Club's current day equivalent to the old ARRL Novice Round Up.  I have 
enjoyed working newcomers in past years, some of whom have become 
regulars in other contests.

2.  SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint Practice.  Thursday night local, 0200-0215Z
Friday.  20, 40, 80 CW.  Dupes OK after band change or one intervening 
QSO.  One kHz QSY rule.  100W maximum.  18 WPM maximum.  Exchange:  Both 
calls, #, name, SPC.

3.  NCCC NA Sprint CW Practices.  Both Thursday and Friday nights local, 
0230-0259Z Friday and Saturday.  20, 40, 80 CW.  No same band dupes 
permitted.  Choice of HP, LP, QRP.  Mults count once per session, not 
per band.  One kHz and five kHz QSY rules.  Exchange:  both calls, #, 
name, SPC.  I believe I will not be able to operate Thursday night, but 
hope for Friday night.  Good idea to get everything checked out before 
the real NA Sprint on Saturday night.

4.  Worked All Europe DX Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Sat and Sun UTC. 
80-10M SSB.  36 hours maximum for single ops.  Exchange:  RS + QSO #. 
There is also a QTC feature, maximum of 10 QTCs may be sent to any one 
op.  If conditions are as good to Europe as they were last weekend, this 
one could be a lot of fun.

5.  Arkansas QSO Party.  14Z Sat to 06Z Sun.  15-24Z Sun.  CW, Phone, 
Digital.  80-10M + 2M.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or AR county.  A list of 
county abbreviations is contained in the rules.  There is an 
out-of-state club aggegate score competition, so be sure to include your 
club in your entry.  There is a reference to a "bonus station" in the 
rules, but no points are assigned and the bonus station isn't 
identified.  Possibly this information appears on another web site.

6.  September VHF QSO Party.  18Z Sat to 03Z Mon.  50 mHz and up. 
Exchange:  four chararcter grid square.

7.  Second Class Operator Marathon Sprint.  18-24Z Sat.  160-10M CW. 
Exchange:  RST + SPC + SOC number or power.  Usually only find N4BP QRV 
signing W1SOC or W0SOC.  I think W4BQF is a member.

8.  National Contest Journal North American Sprint CW.  00-04Z Sunday 
(Saturday night local).  20, 40, 80 CW.  5 and 1 kHz QSY rules. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  This one brings out top operators. 
  It should be fun to work some of these.  If the speeds intimidate you, 
call CQ at your own speed around the edges and work those who come back 
to you.  You must then QSY at least one kHz to call someone else or 5 
kHz to call CQ again.  At last report, the Southeast Sprint Coalition 
still needed five members for its team.  Please e-mail Jeff, KU8E, at 
ku8e at bellsouth.net ASAP to be a part of a pre-registered team.

9.  Straight Key Century Club Week End Sprint.  (SKS or WES)  24 hours 
of Sunday UTC.  160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or power. 
Use a hand key or a bug or other mechanical key.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  I will be 
out of state Sunday through Wednesday evening, but should be monitoring 
e-mail and I hope to post a weekly summary by Wednesday, but it could 
possibly be Thursday.

Remember that the California QSO Party is coming up the first full 
weekend in October and SECC has been very competitive in the 
out-of-state club competition in the past.  I think we have been second 
to TCG once and maybe CCO (Ontario) twice.

Also, we will hope to have a team for the NCJ NA Sprint SSB contest.

Look for FO/G3BJ who is QRV from the Austral Islands through Sept. 16. 
He seems to like 002 kHz up from the bottom of the CW bands.  Also, the 
French Military expedition to the Gloriosos, one of the top ten needed 
DXCC countries, should be QRV about Monday.  The call will be FT5GA.

73, John, K4BAI.

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