[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Apr 7 08:26:03 PDT 2010

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  EA RTTY Contest
K9MUG/4  540  200  346,200  SOABHP   17     AL  ACG
W4UK     289  109   73,248  SOABHP   12     SC  SECC
AA4YL    133   96   29,376  M/O LP   13     AL  ACG   At W4HOD Ops: 
K4JTT     78   23    8,658  SOABBQRP  4:20  GA  SECC

2.  Missouri QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score   Class    Time   St  Club
N4PN    96    50    63  15,283  SOABHP     9    GA  SECC
K4BAI   50    11    36   4,096  SOABHP     3:45 GA  SECC
K4PIC    9     0     7     126  SOABHP     _    GA  SECC

3.  NS Practice, 4/2/10
N4OGW  62  15  930  SOLP  0.5  MS  ACG
K4BAI  47  17  699  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
K0EJ   46  14  644  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG
W4NZ   49  11  539  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG

4.  QRP Fox Extravaganza
K4BAI    49       49  SOQRP5W Fox   1:52  GA  SECC
WA4ILO  ~22      ~22  SOQRP5W Hound _     GA  SECC

5.  QRP ARCI Spring Contest
K4BAI  68  46  96,600  SOQRP5W  __  SECC

6.  SP DX Contest
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score   Category  Time   St  Club
K4ZGB   61    14   27   6,075   SOABMixHP  5     AL  ACG
K4BAI   46    13   31   5,487   SOABMixHP  5:16  GA  SECC

7.  April Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  41                 41   SOQRP5W (Tubby)  2  GA  SECC

8.  LZ Open 40M Sprint
K4BAI  66                 66   SOHP            3:36  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

The temptation here is to mention only the GA QSO Party, but there are 
other contests going on at the same time and before GQP and during the 
off-time in the middle of GQP.  So, I will summarize them all.  There 
may be some advantage in having the summary handy during GQP so that if 
a station in one of the other contests calls you, you can give them the 
info they need while requesting the info that you need for GQP.

1.  Thursday night NCCC NA Sprint Practices:  This week, these practices 
will be only on 40M (approx 7040-7050) and dupes will be permitted after 
one intervening QSO.  Slow speed NS is 0200-0220+ Friday UTC.  100W 
maximum.  Exchange:  Both calls, #, name, SPC.  One kHz QSY rule.  Limit 
your sending speed to 18 WPM for at least the first 10 minutes and to 26 
WPM overall.  Regular NS is from 0230 to 0259Z with the same rules.

2.  Montana QSO Party.  48 hours of weekend UTC.  160M - 70 cm, CW, 
Digital, Phone.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or MT county.  There are some 
strange bonus point rules.

3.  Japan International DX Contest, CW.  07Z Sat to 13Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange: RST + CQ Zone or JA prefecture #.

4.  PODXC 070 Club PSK31 Flavors Contest.  20M only.  BPSK31, QPSK31, 
BPSK63, QPSK63, BPSK125.  Maximum power 100W.  Exchange:  SPC + member # 
or name.  Saturday 1200-1800 local time.  (This is an ill-advised way of 
determining the time for a contest as it practically guarantees that no 
DX contacts can be made that would count for both stations.  Anyone who 
is more than 6 time zones from anyone else cannot work the other for 
credit.  If any of you (N4JIK?) is a member, you might pass this 
observation on to the sponsor.)

5.  Radio Maritime Day.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M CW.  Maximum power 
100W except for coast stations.  Exchange:  for former radio officers 
QSA + call of last ship or aircraft.  for others QSA + serial #.  (I 
think QSA means that you give a two digit report with the first being 
readability and the second strength on a one to five scale so that the 
maximum report on a QSA system would be 55.)

6.  Europe Spring Sprint, CW.  16-1959Z.  80, 40, 20 CW.  Exchange: 
both calls, serial #, name.  2 kHz QSY rule before a new CQ.  If you are 
interested in this, which can be fun, best to get on at the first as the 
Eu stations will soon go to 40 and then 80 and we will have no 
propagation to Eu on those bands.  Work only Eu stations.

7.  QCWA Sprint QSO Party.  18Z Sat to 18Z Sun.  CW/Digital, Phone. 
160M - UHF.  Exchange:  last two digits of year first licensed, Name, 
QCWA Chapter # or State.  The QCWA Chapter in Atlanta is #49.

8. GEORGIA QSO PARTY.  18Z Sat to 0359Z Sun; 14Z to 2359Z.  160-6M, 
CW/Digital, Phone.  Exchange:  RS(T) + GA county or S/P or "DX."

9.  Yuri Gargarin International DX Contest.  21Z Sat to 21Z Sun. 
160-10M + satellites, CW only.  Exchange:  RST + ITU Zone.

10.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprint (WES).  24 hours of Sunday 
UTC.  160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST + Name + SPC + SKCC# or "none."  Use a 
mechanical key only, such as a hand key or a bug.

11.  UBA (Belgium) Spring Contest, SSB.  06-10Z Sun.  80M SSB. 
Exchange:  RS + Serial # or UBA section for Belgian stations.  If you 
are a night owl, you could have 90 minutes or so of propagation to 
Belgium on 75M.

12.  International Vintage Contest.  08-12Z, 14-18Z Sun.  40 and 20M CW, 
SSB, AM.  Exchange:  RS(T) + 4 character grid square.  Use equipment 
manufactured or homebrewed in or before 1982.

13.  144 mHz  Spring Sprint.  19-2300 Local Time Monday, April 12. 
Exchange:  4 character grid square.  Appears than any mode is OK.  A 
local time contest makes more sense at VHF and UHF frequencies.  GA and 
SC stations can start one hour before AL and MS stations and must QRT 
one hour before the CDT stations.

For the GA QSO Party, remember that on Saturday only the M/M station 
NQ4I will be QRV as W4AN, the SECC club call.  QSL via K4BAI.  Many SECC 
members in GA will be QRV as mobile, portables, and home station.  Many 
clubs will have multi op participation.  K4ZGB/M from AL, W4NZ/M from 
TN, W3DYA/M from TX, KN4Y/M from FL will be QRV (and possibly other 
out-of-state visitors).  There are special Georgia product prizes for 
the high scorers in the states surrounding GA.  40M will be usable for 
all 20 hours of the contest.  80M will be good on Saturday evening.  20 
and 40 M will allow a lot of DX contacts.  We are hoping that there will 
be substantial 15M activity this year.  GA stations should give any open 
contest band a call.  Don't just listen.  Call CQ and have the fun of 
"running" the stations who call.  All 159 GA counties have been 
committed to operate by one or more station during the GQP this year. 
Who will be the first to work all 159 GA counties in one GQP?  Counties 
do not count as multipliers for GA stations, but each mobile and rover 
is a different station in each county, so you can work them over and 
over in different counties and on different bands and modes even though 
they only count as GA for multiplier purposes.  Please talk it up among 
your friends, by e-mail, and on the air and let's have the best GQP 
ever!  The more contacts, the more fun.  Remember that there are awards 
at the three power levels, QRP, LP, and HP.  I recommend that you run 
the highest power you can legally and easily run so that there will be 
more QSOs possible.  However, if you run QRP or LP, there will be awards 
at those levels.  Fixed stations should try to help the weaker mobiles 
by allowing them some room to make QSOs above or below and between the 
stronger fixed stations.  This QSO party is jointly sponsored by SECC 
and SEDXC, so we hope all members of both clubs will support the 
activity by making as many QSOs as possible during the contest period.
Let's show how active GA hams can be this weekend!

Be safe and have fun!  73, John, K4BAI.

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