[SEDXC] GQP postings... a bit more.

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 5 04:36:44 PST 2010

Just a couple of notes.

W6IZT, Greg, Will Uproar Union County as W4IZT.

KJ4EX reports that Barrow County ARC will Bellow from Barrow as K4R, for 1X1 

W4KLY, Paul, confirms that GARS will Growl again from Greene Co., a portable 
club outing as K4A, for 1X1 award contacts
I think this is the last "A" suffix call available.

However there are several other 1X1s to be had. 
A place to apply for a 1X1 is: http://www.1x1callsigns.org/

I am trying to keep up the list of 1X1 calls on the web site.
The list is at the bottom of the K4OD Award Page.
Check it at:  http://gqp.contesting.com/WriteUP/K4OD%20Awards/k4od_awards.htm

The County coverage map, http://gqp.contesting.com/MapOfCoverage.htm
and the County coverage list, http://gqp.contesting.com/CountyCoverage.htm
are also being filled in and updated.
A 1X1 call is in "Peach" color, and a portable outing is listed in "Green".
A few are multicolored as a portable 1X1 operation.

Put your county in the fun.  listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org is where to send the note 
with the info.
We need to hear from all the counties. Even the counties that are "usually" 
active.... check in PLS.


GL in the contest (all of them)
Good DX....


 Please use ne4s at iham.us as my address.
GQP 50th Anniversary is 2011, April 9, 10th, Join the party.
Send me your Georgia Party county coverage plans to
listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org 
See gqp.contesting.com for news and rules 


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