[SEDXC] Final final weekend GQP update...

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 6 13:52:28 PST 2010

I guess I stirred a few folks to check in...

We Have:
Jim, N4DU, will be Doing It from Dougherty County;  fixed, fired up, and looking 
for fun.
Bob, N4YT, will be Hailing from Hall, fixed, multi op, but might get a 1X1.  We 
will update if Bob gets one of the few 1X1's left,
Jere, KT4ZB, Cranks up  Chatham, mentions others there who might activate costal 
counties....  stir them up.
Larry, N4FD, "I will beRoving as N4E from Appling, Bacon, Jeff Davis, Telfair 
and Wheeler counties for sure and possibly a couple of other nearby counties."
Gary, N5BI, Will be Jammin' from Jones.  I think Jammin' is a regular thing at 
his QTH.
Bob, W4GA, (ex K4ESA), Runs Rover in Union and Fannin day 1, Fannin, Gilmer, 
Dawson, Pickens, Cherokee, Cobb and back to Cherokee 2nd day.

The listing and map are updated, N4E/N4FD is added to the 1x1 list too.
(Just a few 1x1s left)

How about the "Atlanta area" counties checking in??
C'Mon folks...  Paulding, Douglas, Henry, Clayton, Rockdale, Fayette, Forsythe, 
Walton, Bartow... 

Anyone there who can commit to the party now?   
This early info really helps us get all 159 on the air by getting good rover 
routes later.
(I do know it is too early for some folks tho.)

Many thanks to those who have put in their plans to participate....


Let me know of any bloopers to fix... TNX. 
Please use ne4s at iham.us as my address.
GQP 50th Anniversary is 2011, April 9, 10th, Join the party.
Send me your Georgia Party county coverage plans to
listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org 
See gqp.contesting.com for news and rules 


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