[SEDXC] NCJ North American Sprint, CW

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 3 11:19:43 PST 2010

Hello all

You may recall that the NCJ North American Sprint, CW, is this Saturday 
night.  00-04Z Sunday.  It takes place on 20, 40, and 80 CW.  You can 
work each station once per band, but multipliers (State, Canadian areas, 
and North American countries) are counted once for the contest. 
Exchange is both calls, #, name, SPC.  Most start out on 20, although a 
few will be on 40 at least with SO2R.  When 20 begins to close, everyone 
moves to 40, and then on to 80.  You must relinquish the frequency after 
you work someone who calls you.  Then you must move one kHz at least to 
call someone else or at least 5 kHz for a general call.  Power is 
permitted up to the legal limit, but a significant number of low power 
and QRP stations always participate too.  Stations outside North America 
may be worked for QSO points, but not for multipliers.  This is a fun, 
intense, four hour Sprint.

Teams are entered with up to 10 members.  KU8E, Jeff, will register 
teams for the Southeast Sprint Coalition.  There is no circle 
requirement or membership requirement.  If you will participate on a 
team, e-mail Jeff at ku8e at bellsouth.net and tell him what power level 
you will use and whether you will be full or part time. He will register 
the teams before the contest starts and send out a roster so you will 
know the other team members.

Please e-mail Jeff ASAP so we can have a good group of contesters 
committed to operate and everyone can have a lot of fun.  The SSB event 
is run the next Saturday night.  Thanks and 73, John, K4BAI.

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