[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 10 12:43:02 PST 2010

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCJ North American Sprint,
N4OGW  344  43  14,792  SOHP  4    MS  ACG   Ditters  SO2R
K4BAI  300  43  12,900  SOHP  4    GA  SECC  SSC#1
W4MR   282  43  12,126  SOHP  4    NC        SSC#1  By AA4NC
W4NZ   281  42  11,802  SOHP  4    TN  TCG   SSC#1  SO2R
N4PN   244  43  10,492  SOLP  4    GA  SECC  SSC#1
NA4K   246  42  10,332  SOLP  4    TN  TCG   TCG
KU8E   258  40  10,320  SOHP  4    GA  SECC  SSC#1
K9AY   262  38   9,956  SOLP  _    WI  SMC   SMC#1
K1ZZI  220  41   9,020  SOHP  4    GA  SECC  SSC#1
W4AU   226  37   8,362  SOHP  4    VA  PVRC  SSC#2
K4NO   203  40   8,120  SOLP  3.1  AL  ACG   SSC#2
KY4F   174  39   6,786  SOLP  4    AL  ACG
AA4BW  130  37   4,810  SOQRP 3:55 GA  SECC  SSC#1
N5VI   142  33   4,686  SOLP  4    GA  SECC  SSC#1
N4KG   125  36   4,500  SOLP  2:08 AL  ACG
N3ZL   107  37   3,959  SOLP  3.75 SC  SECC  SSC#1  At WD4EOG
N4JIK  102  31   3,162  SOLP  4    OK  SECC  SSC#2
KC4HW   67  25   1,675  SOLP  2    AL  ACG

Indeed a red letter contest for NA Sprint.  I am sure four AL
participants was an all-time record!  Keep up the good work.

Team Scores:  SSC#1  80,115.  Appears that TCG somehow co-opted NA4K 
onto its team without Steve's knowledge or the score would have been

SSC#2  19,644

2.  NS Ladder, 2/5/10
N4OGW  61  39  2,379  SOLP  .5  MS  ACG  SO2R
W4NZ   46  33  1,518  SOLP  .5  TN  TCG  SO2R
K1ZZI  39  34  1,320  SOLP  .5  GA  SECC
K0EJ   39  29  1,131  SOLP  .5  TN  TCG
KY4F   30  23    690  SOLP  .5  AL  ACG
N4JIK  13  13     78  SOLP  .5  OK  SECC

3.  NA CW Sprint Practice, 2/6/10
K1ZZI  43  23    989  SOHP  .5  GA  SECC
K4BAI  43  21    903  SOHP  .5  GA  SECC
W4NZ   45  19    855  SOHP  .5  TN  TCG   SO2R
N3ZL   16  12    192  SOLP  .5  SC  SECC
N4JIK   7   5     35  SOLP  .5  OK  SECC

4.  Minnesota QSO Party
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score   Category  Time   St  Club  Notes
K1ZZI    209    24   80  35,360  SO HP      9     GA  SECC
N4PN     184    94   73  33,726  SO HP      9+    GA  SECC
K4BAI    141    31   65  21,385  SO HP      7:17  GA  SECC
W4UCZ     72     0   37   5,328  SO LP      6.5   GA  SECC
K4OD       0    19   11     209  SOLP       4.25  GA  SECC
AA4FA      0    14    8     112  SOLP       2     GA  SECC

5.  XE (Mexico) RTTY
WX4TM   604  105  172,935  SO HP SO2R  10  AL  ACG
KE4UNA  500   88  118,008  SO HP       10  AL  ACG
W4UK    181   49   22,540  SO HP       __  SC  SECC
K4HAL   122   46   15,272  SO HP        4  AL  ACG

6.  FOC Marathon
KU8E   475  722  SOHP  ~14     GA  SECC
K4BAI   77  146  SOHP    1:07  GA  SECC

7.  New Mexico QSO Party
W4UCZ  21  0  14  1,176  SOLPCW    __   GA  SECC
K4BAI   5  5   6     90  SOHPMix  0:25  GA  SECC

8.  QRPARCI Fireside Sprint, SSB
K4BAI  1  1  35  SOQRP5W  0:01  GA  SECC

9.  10-10 Winter Contest, SSB
K4ESA  105  181  SOHP  30  GA  SEDXC
WB4SQ   25   43  SOLP  __  GA  SECC

10.  British Columbia QSO Party
K4BAI  6  0  6  0  144  SOHPMix  0:25  GA  SECC

11.  Vermont QSO Party
K4BAI  4  0  4  16  SOHP  0:06  GA  SECC

12.  Delaware QSO Party
K4BAI  2  3  1  57  SOHP  0:14  GA  SECC

12.  YLISSB QSO Party, CW
K4BAI  1  1      3  SOHP  0:01  GA  SECC

13.  Black Sea Cup Invitational
K4BAI  3  4    80  SOHPCW  0:09  GA  SECC

K4BAI  12  11  132  SOQRP5W Home  1:17  GA  SECC

15.  February 2010 NAQCC QRP Sprint
K4BAI  29  17  1,938  SOQRP5W  1:31  GA  SECC
N4SAM  20  13  1,014  SOQRP5W  __    AL
K0NWT   3   3     36  SOQRP5W  __    GA  SECC
K4VMV   3   3     36  SOQRP5W  __    AL

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps CWT Sprint.  0300-0400Z CW Thurday.  This is tonight, 
Wednesday local time.  80, 40, 20 CW.  Exchange:  Name and CWOps # or 
SPC.  Look around the "8" frequencies, such as 3518, 3528, 7018, 7028, etc.

2.  Fox Hunts continue on Thursday night local (40M 7030-7050) and 
Tuesday night local (80M 3550-3570).  Thursday nights foxes will be KZ5J 
in TX and WC7S in WY.  0130-0330Z Fri and Tues.  Work only the two foxes 
each time.  Run no more than 5W.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.

3.  Thursday night local SNS, NS.  SNS slow speed 0200-0215Z Friday. 
20, 40, 80M CW.  Maximum speed 18 WPM.  Maximum power 100W.  Exchange: 
both calls, #, name, SPC.  One kHz QSY rule.

0230-0259Z NS Ladder.  Same rules except no maximum speed and 160M is 

4.  RTTY Practice Sessions for CQ WPX RTTY.  22002230Z Thursday and 
0230-0300Z Friday.  Uusual CQ WPX RTTY Rules.  Same time as NS Ladder. 
RTTY stations please stay above 7050.  CW stations please stay below 7050.

5.  YL-OM Contest.  CW, SSB, Digital.  All bands except WARC and 60M. 
14Z Fri to 02Z Sun.  Work only the opposite sex.  Exchange:  QSO#, RS(T) 
+ ARRL Section, VE province, or country.  Low power multiplier. 
CW/Digital and Phone are separate contests.

6.  PODXS Valentine's Sprint.  2000 local Friday to 0200 local Saturday. 
  160, 80, 40 PSK31.  Exchange:  Name + either "OM" or "YL" + SPC.  I 
can't seem to get contest sponsors to understand that "local" start and 
stop times won't work in contests because it makes it impossible for 
operators to work each other if their time zones don't overlap.

7.  CQ WorldWide WPX Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Sat/Sun. UTC.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + serial #.  More points for 80/40M QSOs than for 
higher bands.

8.  New Hampshire QSO Party.  0001Z Sat to 0001Z Sun.  All bands except 
WARC.  CW, Phone, Digital.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or NH county.  There 
is a power multiplier.

9.  South African Radio League Field Day Contest.  10Z Sat to 10Z Sun. 
160-10M, CW, SSB.  Maximum power 100W.  Exchange:  RS(T) + Category. 
Your category will be "G."  FD stations will send "S" for single op or 
"M" for multi op.  I've never heard an SARL FD station.

10.  Asia-Pacific Sprint, CW.  11-13Z Sat.  40 and 20M CW.  Exchange 
RST + Serial #.  Work only A-P stations.  Non A-P stations may run high 
power.  One kHz QSY rule.  This contest will be primarily 40M for us, 
although some western Asia QSOs might be possible on 20M.  Can be a lot 
of fun.

11.  Dutch PACC Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M CW, SSB. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + serial # or Dutch Province abbreviation.  Work only 
Dutch stations.  There usually is a great turnout of Dutch stations and 
this can be a lot of fun.

12.  Key Club of Japan (KCJ) Top Band Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 
160M CW.  Exchange:  RST + Continent Abbreviations (e.g. "NA") or 
Japanese prefecture/district code.

13.  Louisiana QSO Party.  15Z Sat to 03Z Sun.  160-2M CW, Ph. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or LA parish.

14.  OMISS QSO Party.  15Z Sat to 15Z Sun.  80-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS + 
SPC + OMISS # if you have one.

15.  FISTS CW Club Winter Sprint.  17-21Z Sat.  80-10M CW.  100W maximum 
power.  Exchange:  RST  SPC + Name + FISTS# or power.  Look around 058 
kHz on each band.  Can be a lot of fun.

16.  RSGB 160M CW Contest (United Kingdom).  21Z Sat to 01Z Sun.  160M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + Serial # or UK District Code.

17.  NCJ North American Sprint SSB Contest.  00-04Z Sun (Sat night 
local).  20, 40, 80M SSB.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  I've 
seen no announcement about teams for this one.  So, if anyone wants me 
to be on a team, please e-mail me.  Thanks.

18.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprint (WES).  Sunday 00-24Z. 
160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST + name + SPC + SKCC# or "none."  (some 
sources say that non-members send power instead of "none.")  Extra 
points for QSOs with each centurion or tribune members (indicated by a 
"C" or a "T" after their member number).  25 bonus points for every band 
you work F6HKA on.  F6HKA is a great operator with a strong signal.

19.  Classic Exchange, Phone.  14Z Sun to 08Z Mon.  160-2M.  SSB, AM, 
FM.  Exchange:  RS + SPC + Rcvr and transmitter manufacturer and model.

Really looks like something or several somethings for everyone this 
weekend.  Well except no designated QRP contests (other than the Fox Hunts.)

Hope everyone has a lot of fun and many QSOs.  Be sure to send me your 
claimed scores unless they are posted to 3830 or available on the SKCC 

73, John, K4BAI.

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