[SEDXC] Georgia Tech Campus is Safe

Rob Osattin, KI4UTY KI4UTY at ARRL.NET
Tue Feb 23 03:52:34 PST 2010

There have been a number of reports in the press about the increasing  
number of crimes near the Georgia Tech campus.

The important word here is the word NEAR.

Please keep in mind that in the last 2 years:

	Only one crime occurred on campus:  an overly jealous and disturbed  
former grad student stabbed a post-doc

	Every other reported crime has occurred off campus
	The victims of every other reported crime were walking. Most alone.

	The victims of most of the other reported crimes were wearing  
headphones, which prevented them from maintaining a constant awareness  
of their surroundings.

	Some of the victims of the reported crimes were carrying laptops or  
cellphones, which are high value targets of muggers.

Your trip to Georgia Tech for the MFJ event will be safe because:

	The event is on campus.	

	You will be driving onto campus, not walking.

	There will be a lot of people on campus in the area we will be in.

	The street guides for the event will have HT's and cell phones. They  
will watch our backs and we will watch theirs.

	We asked the GT Police for some extra patrols. They are a highly  
competent force.

	Lastly, we would never have scheduled an event in a location that  
presented any potential dangers to the speaker, the guests and us.

Please join us Thursday night. You won't be sorry.

Rob Osattin, KI4UTY
VP, Atlanta Radio Club

For the Atlanta Radio Club and the Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club

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