[SEDXC] Logging Software

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Sun Jan 10 17:08:40 PST 2010

The emails have stopped trickling in, so below is a summary of what I
have collected.  The emails were interesting, in that just like contest
logging software, radios, and many other things in life, I received a
lot of email along the lines of: "I have tried a lot of what's out there
..believe me, this is the best by far."  Unfortunately, I have at least
one email like that for nearly every one of the 13 suggested programs.
Other folks took the opposite track and mentioned the faults of what
they were using, and were searching for something better.  I was asked a
few times to publish my recommendation.  I can't yet.  I have tried
several now, and I will be QSY to South American for most of the rest of
the month.  I hope to be able to pick one among the many and feel
comfortable enough to recommend it sometime in February.  Tonight all I
can offer is the raw data.  Thanks to everyone who responded.
Program, Cost, # of Users:
N3JFP (AC Log), $19, 12 Users
DX4WIN, $90, 10 Users
Logger32, Free, 10 Users
Ham Radio Deluxe, Free, 8 Users
DXBase, $99, 5 Users
DXLab, Free, 4 Users
WIN-EQF, $60, 4 Users
N1MM, Free, 3 Users
XMLog, Free, 2 Users
Logic8, $???, 2 Users
ProLog2K, $50, 2 Users
LOGic, $129, 1 User
Ngenog, $69, 1 User
Not exactly unanimity!
While not ready to summarize, a few things spring to mind:
1.	N1MM, WRITELOG and most of the other contest software packages
have basic "general" logging, but don't do rudimentary functions like
tracking for DXCC.  These are really in a different class than the
2.	Joe, W4TV, is in the hardware/software business and his fine
products interface with all of these programs.  He knows them as well as
anybody and Joe's opinion seems to me to be worth a careful listen.
Joe's #1 pick is the DXLab Suite.  On a quick-look basis, I find it to
be modern, full functioned, well supported, and the price is right.
3.	I think my pet theory about contest software may apply here:
The "best" software may be the one you are most comfortable with.  All
of these programs have lots of functionality, and, fairly steep learning
curves.  I hope to learn one well and stick with it.
Best 73,
Hal N4GG

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