Neil Foster archernf at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 28 05:20:58 PST 2010

 From the NFARL Reflector..........Neil N4FN

Founder of MFJ to speak in Atlanta at community event

Posted by: "Rob Osattin" <mailto:rosattin at earthlink.net?Subject= 
Re%3AFounder%20of%20MFJ%20to%20speak%20in%20Atlanta%20at%20community%20event>rosattin at earthlink.net 

Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:29 pm (PST)

The Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club and the Atlanta Radio Club are 
pleased to announce a community event that should be of interest to all hams:
An Evening with Martin F. Jue, founder of MFJ Enterprises
Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Georgia Tech
Van Leer ECE Building
777 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta
Everyone is invited. Come one, come all. Bring your friends.
There will be a Q&A session with Martin after his talk. Here's your 
chance to get your MFJ company or product questions answered by the 
ultimate MFJ insider, the MFJ of MFJ, if you will.
Admission is FREE and a FREE door prize drawing will be held for some 
cool prizes, including MFJ-259B antenna analyzers.
Refreshments will be served.
Talk-in will be available on the GTARC (W4AQL) and ARC (W4DOC) repeaters.
There may also be a few surprises.
Additional details, such as the event program, will be available in a 
few weeks.
Did you know that...
The Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club is celebrating its 100th birthday 
this year, which makes it the oldest radio club in the state of 
Georgia. The Atlanta Radio Club is a close second.

"Let us not accept mediocrity in the guise of building self esteem."

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