[SEDXC] J6/St Lucia News Release #3 (Final)

Weymouth Walker weymouth01 at comcast.net
Sun Jan 31 09:21:47 PST 2010

73, Weymouth (Wey) Walker  ...

The "Buddies in the Caribbean" DXpedition group, specializing in 100 watt or less low power radios and the Buddipole portable antenna systems, will be in St Lucia (J6) on Feb. 2 thru Feb 11, 2010.

There will be 3 villa stations in operation plus daily battery-only QRP portable operations operating on 160m thru 6m, propagation permitting. QSL via the J6/homecall of the operator (SASE), eQSL, or LOTW.

For current announcements, see our website at http://sites.google.com/site/caribbeanbuddies or our daily blogsite at http://caribbeanbuddies.blogspot.com . The website has an on-line chat feature for realtime dialog with the dxpedition team. Also watch the live WEBCAM from the villa! Look for us! We hope to work all our Buddipole friends!

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