[SEDXC] Rig packing question

Ian Kahn ak4ik.ian at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 05:42:07 PDT 2010


I have a question for all the DXpeditioners in the club.  I'm part of the
K4L team going to Sapelo Island next month.  I want to make sure my rig and
equipment are packed securely for the six-hour drive down there.  I plan to
use an old Smith-Corona hard shell typewriter case to pack the gear, and
want to line it with packing foam and cut out spaces for the gear.  Where in
the Metro Atlanta area can I buy the packing foam for reasonable prices?
I'm not looking for the soft foam rubber like you would use for pillows, but
the firmer foam that you can easily cut out (with a good, sharp blade) and
is used sometimes in tool kits and for packing sensitive electronics.

Thanks and 73,

Ian Kahn, AK4IK

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