[SEDXC] 6 meters Setups

Bob Mantell k4esa at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 16 05:17:19 PDT 2010

I have a Kenwood TS-2000 for vhf/uhf bands and  5  element Cushcraft A50-5s yagi with W5WVO mods done to it.  IF you are buying a new yagi, the M2 6M5X from Texas Towers is the best bang for the buck.  Crushcraft is too short stock and not built as well.  I had a $50 used one to modify or the 6M5X is what I would have bought. 
  I have a FT-857 and 3 element yagi for rover/field work.  You may have seen it set up at the hamfest last fall in Lawrenceville.   I am always surprised by how well it works each time I set it up.  But they have issues with water in the Gamma match messing with the SWR, so I am not sure I would want one outside all the time.  I have talked to lots of folks using the 3 element in the attic with very good results.
I have a WSB amp for 6M, but have not set it up yet. Really do not need it for Es, but would be handy for morning ion/tropo scatter work.  
I did not work much of the contest last weekend as I have been focusing on 10M the last 6 months.  Lots of great opening there lately.

73 de Bob,
 K4ESA EM74qc
Bob Mantell
k4esa at yahoo.com



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