[SEDXC] Sapelo Island Expedition

Neil Foster archernf at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 30 19:54:03 PDT 2010

QST, QST, QST......
There is an opening for a CW operator on the trip to Sapelo Island. 
The dates are 4 August through 8 August (returning on the morning of 
Sunday the 8th). If you would like to go drop me an email: 
n4fn at arrl.net or call me at 770-321-9348 for the details. Right now 
there are 14 folks going from KARC, SEDXC, NFARL and ARC. This Island 
has never been operated from before. Lodging is provided on the Island
Neil N4FN

"Let us not accept mediocrity in the guise of building self esteem."

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