[SEDXC] N4JIK Looking for ARRL DX Seat

John T. Laney III k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Mar 2 19:39:19 PST 2010

Hello all:  Jeremy, N4JIK (ex KD4LCR) has just arrived in Columbus for 
an assignment at Fort Benning, having been transferred from OK.  He is 
concerned that he may not find a place to rent in time for the DX 
contest this weekend.  If he can't, he'd like to join a multi op or be a 
guest op for a portion of the DX Contest.  If anyone has an idea for 
where Jeremy can operate in the contest this weekend, please e-mail him 
at kd4lcr at gmail.com.  Thanks for any help.  73, John, K4BAI.

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