[SEDXC] Less than one month to GQP

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 12:39:26 PDT 2010

Inside the 30 day window we have these folks to mention.

Mark, W4UCZ will face the fray from Fulton, most all bands, at home.

Paul, N4PN will be Beaming from Bibb, at home.
Possible rover run mentioned.

If you do not Twitter and Tweet, or Blog and Blab, then
listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org
is the new social network spot for you and GQP.
Click it and send your call and on the air plans.
All your friends will be envious.
I will be thankful.

Gordon, K4OD and I presented Paul, N4PN, his 2008 top rover crystal peach last week.
It was a nice looking trophy, and Gordon has put up a story and pics on the web at...
The Peach is again waiting for the "Top Rover" for 2010.

I will be at Kennehoochee hamfest Saturday to put out fliers, I know I will see some of you there.

"WinGQPLite"...  a simple logging program is available at:
http://www.qsoparty.org/html/wingqplite.html for free....
This one does not run radios or send CW, you do that stuff.
It does do a good job of logging and making a log file to send in to GQP.
It runs in all Windows XP and later (I think).

The full version, WinGQP, is still getting polished... an update soon.

Do you favor DOS?  Then you should try W4GKF, Chaz's, GPQLog at:
www.w4gkf.com/gqp/ also free, also dedicated to simple but reliable logging.

Why mention loggers?  Because every year some of us put off setting up a log program.
Each year I get "strange" logs from club members.  Paper, SpreadSheets, ADIFs... (only a few tho).
Other good loggers are N3FJP, N1MM, WriteLog, GenLog, and more... 
http://gqp.contesting.com/FormsDownloads.htm is a list of some.
This is the time to install and test one you like.

That's it for now...

Mike, NE4S.

 Please use ne4s at iham.us as my address.
GQP 2010 is on April 10, 11th, Join the party.
See gqp.contesting.com !
Be well 


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