[SEDXC] Reminder: NFARL Tech Net Tonight presents Flex Radio President 8:30 PM

Robert Carroll w2wg at comcast.net
Mon Mar 22 17:14:01 PDT 2010

Via echolink over the Sweat Mountain NFARL repeater.  Directions below.



Bob W2WG


We use Google and a chat room during the net to search for information
related to topics being discussed, document findings, and send URL links
back and forth.  Here's how to get set up to participate in the net:

1.	Be at a computer from which you can Google information.
2.	Open a separate tab for the NFARL chat room hosted at
www.dodropin.org.  Click here <http://nfarl.dodropin.org/>  to open the chat
3.	Tune your radio to 145.47 (-) PL 100.0Hz or log into 145.47 repeater
ECHOlink node 381631 (WB4MAK-L).  For more on EchoLink, visit our ECHOlink
<http://www.nfarl.org/internetRadio/echolinkOverview.html>  Overview page.
4.	Check in when the net opens by saying your name, call-sign, and


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