[SEDXC] Claimed Scores Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Apr 6 08:34:14 PDT 2011

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint Practice, 4/1/11
W4NZ   43  37  1,591  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG  SO2R
K4BAI  44  36  1,584  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  EA RTTY Contest
W4UK   312  134  92,192  SOABHP  14    SC  SECC
K4HAL   51   37   4,292  SOABHP   1.5  AL  ACG

3.  SP DX Contest
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
N4NO   105      0  40   12,600  SOABCWHP  7.0   AL  ACG
K4JRB    0     14  10      420  SOSB/40HP 2.0   GA  SECC

4.  Missouri QSO Party
N4PN    56     84  61   11,995  SOABHP   12.5   GA  SECC
N4JF    21     18  18    1,180  SOABLP    2     AL  ACG

5.  QRPARCI Spring Sprint
K4BAI  111         63  224,028  SOABQRP5W  5:48  GA  SECC

6.  April ARS Spartan Sprint
K4BAI   38                  38  SOQRP5W(Tubby) 2.0  GA  SECC

I also made 20 QSOs in the SP DX Contest, at least a dozen in the QCWA 
Spring QSO Party and maybe 8 or 10 in the MO QSO Party.  I haven't had 
time to figure those scores due to being busy planning for the GA QSO 
Party this weekend.

This Week's Contests:

The Really Big Contest this weekend is the 50th Year GA QSO Party.  All 
sorts of awards are available, including for the high score in each 
adjoining state.  Try to spell out G-E-O-R-G-I-A with the suffixes of 
the special event one-by-one calls that will be QRV. Try to work every 
one of GA's 159 counties.  Join in the fun. For full details, see 

1.  50th Year Georgia QSO Party.  18Z Sat to 0359Z Sun; 14Z Sun to 2359Z 
Sun.  160-6M, CW/Digital, Phone.  Exchange:  RS(T) + GA County or S/P or 

2.  Tonight, Wednesday local, 0100-0230Z Thursday.  Fox Extravaganza. 
This marks the end of the Fall/Winter/Spring QRP Fox Hunts.  40 and 80M. 
  7030 to 7050 and 3550 to 3570 kHz.  All the Foxes from this season 
will call "CQ Fox" and all the hounds (whether or not you made any of 
the Fox Hunts this season--just turn your rig down to 5W or less and 
call) may work the foxes.  Once per band, so you may work me (and all 
the other foxes) on 40 and 80 meters. Exchange:  RST + SPC + Name + 
Power.  Run 5W or less.  Activity will probably be mostly on 40 at the 
start and then switch to mostly on 80 toward the end.  Foxes will likely 
be listening on their own frequencies rather than the usual "split."  No 
log required, but you may submit your numerical results to the qfox 

3.  NCCC NS Practices.  Thursday night local.  Friday UTC time.  SNS 
slow speed.  0200-0220+ UTC Friday.  100W maximum.  20, 40, 80M.  Keep 
speeds under 26 WPM.  One kHz QSY rule.  Exchange: both calls, #, name, 
SPC.  NS with no speed limit.  0230-0259Z.  Same rules except no speed 
limit and add 160M band.

4.  Japan International DX Contest, CW.  07Z Sat to 13Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + CQ Zone or JA Prefecture #.

5.  PODXS Club PSK31 Flavors Contest.  12-18 local time Sat 20M only. 
(In my opinion, it is stupid to have a contest on HF that is dependent 
on local time--by definition many stations may not work each other 
during the contest period because it is not the same for everyone.)  20M 
BPSK31, QPSK31, BPSK64, QPSK63, BPSK125.  	Maximum power:  100W. 
Exchange:  SPC + PODXS member # or name.  Work each station once per 
"flavor" of PSK.

6.  New Mexico QSO Party.  14Z Sat to 02Z Sun.  160-6M.  CW, Ph, Dig. 
Exchange:  Name + SPC or NM County.

7.  EU Spring Sprint.  16-1959Z Sat 80-20M CW.  Exchange:  both calls, 
#, Name.  2 kHz QSY rule.  Activity usually starts on 20M and moves down 
the bands so that we will hear little activity in this one during the GQP.

8.  Montana QSO Party.  48 hours of Sat & Sun UTC.  160M-70cm.  CW, Dig, 
Ph.  Exchange:  Serial # + MT county or SPC.  The rules do not give 
suggested frequencies at all.  This is a bad mistake for most QSO 
parties since out of state stations may listen around for a while and 
not know where to concentrate on and give up any interest they may have had.

9.  Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest.  21Z Sat to 21Z Sun.  160-10M 
+ Satellite CW only.  Exchange:  RST + ITU Zone.  There will be a lot of 
European activity in this one.

10.  Straight Key Century Club Week End Sprint (WES).  24 hours of 
Sunday UTC.  160-10M CW. Exchange:  RST + Name + SPC + SKCC# or "None."
Use mechanical key.

11.  144 mHz Spring Sprint.  1900-2300 local time Monday.  Exchange:  4 
character grid square (6 character optional).  You can probably get your 
grid square off the "detail" listing on QRZ.COM under your own call sign.

12.  North American QRP CW Club Straight Key/Bug Sprint.  0030-0230Z Wed 
of next week (Tuesday night local).  Use mechanical key.  5W maximum 
power.  80, 40, 20M CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + NAQCC# or power.

13.  Next Wednesday (local time) will be the usual CW Ops one hour 
contests for this month.  11Z, 19Z, and 04Z.  80, 40, 20M CW.  Exchange: 
  name + CWOps # or name + SPC for non members.  Look around 027 kHz on 
each band.

Hint:  If you are going to be QRV in GA for the GA QSO Party, you might 
want to make a copy of this summary and have it with you.  If someone in 
one of the other contests calls you, you can give them the info they 
need and hope you can get RST + QTH from them.  If you call someone in 
one of the other contests, you will know what they need from you and you 
will know what to ask for from them. Obviously, any station outside the 
US and Canada will send "DX" instead of state or province.  You may have 
to call MT and NM stations in order to get those multipliers.

Hope everyone has a great and a safe weekend and a lot of QSOs, 
particularly in GQP.  Hope to work most of you in many GA counties from 

73, John, K4BAI.

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