[SEDXC] Sinday A.M. from Jenkins County---Murphy has been busy here......

W5JR - Mike w5jr.lists at att.net
Sun Apr 10 18:20:53 PDT 2011

Tad, were you set up at Magnolia Springs SP? You were pinning my meter on 80 when I pulled in last night. 


On Apr 10, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Tad Williamson <ironbutttad at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Before the contest, had to repair the 160-10 OCF Dipole---but I had backup.
> About two hours in, the K3 started locking up and when it was power-cycled, it would only put out about 12-15 watts.   I did some Googling and found possible solutions.
> I spent several hours taking the K3 apart and putting it back together.  It would put out normal power for a while and then lock up again.  Finally, after much frustration and swearing, it decided to go to low power permanently--none of the tricks seem to get it to put out full power.  I tried my backup rig (FT-857) but I'm missing the front-end cable.
> Then my interent access went away---I use it to monitor the spots to watch for bands to open up.
> Anyway, after all that, I just decided to run at low power (12-15 watts) and do as best as I can.  I've got about 250 Q's in the log and will finish out today at Low-Power.  I worked Dave (W7FB --W0MHS) last night in MO and told him what was going on and he said I was an honest 579.  The OCF seems to be doing the trick and I snagged a few west coasters and EU stations on 40 last night.
> I'm not on par with the number of contacts from the last few years, but I'll keep hammering.
> 73, all, GL, Tad, K4O -- WF4W
> "What a long, strange trip it's been"
> The Grateful Dead
> Truckin'
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