[SEDXC] T32??

BLamboley at aol.com BLamboley at aol.com
Tue Aug 2 20:21:12 PDT 2011

Hi Dave,
I had the distinct privilege of being a member of the D68C  Team that went 
to the Comoros in 2001.  The Team going to T32C is lead by  the same guys 
(The Five Star DXA) that have brought several other large  expeditions to the 
world of DX, all of them top quality and innovative  undertakings.  Take a 
look at their web site to gain a broader  understanding of their quality and 
One of their stated objectives is to foster a broader  participation in DX 
in general and especially the younger set.  The fact of  the matter is that 
the DXers like yourself that have "worked them all" are not  getting any 
younger.  The T32C aims to make it easier for newcomers to  experience the 
thrill of chasing DX, and, as a specific metric, they are  expecting to work at 
least 40,000 uniques.  The "unique" number is indeed a  measure of newcomer 
participation.  The goal of course is to get more hams  interested in DX.
Our local club, the North Fulton Amateur Radio League, is  devoting their 
September meeting to the subject of DX and intends to "Elmer"  many of the 
club members into the world of DX by helping them work T32C.   Tied to that 
effort is a General Class ham class to help upgrade the Technicians  in the 
Club to get on HF, with chasing T32C as a carrot.  I invite you and  any other 
hardened DXers that would like to act as "Elmer" to a new General  or 
someone else that is new to DX to send me an email and offer your help and  
station to introduce DX to the newbies.  We would appreciate your help and  I 
think you will enjoy assisting in the "Joy of Discovery" your student will  
I am also looking forward to working T32C myself; I confess  that I never 
tire of trying to bust a pileup, no matter how rare or unrare the  station 
may be.  I think that T32C is going to be a lot of fun and presents  an 
opportunity to help some new folks get excited about our favorite sport on  the 
bands!  Maybe you ought to toss a wire up in a tree and get on 30 and  work a 
new band-country yourself!
I hope to hear from you,
All the Best,
Wes - W3WL
In a message dated 11 Aug 2 Tue 21:12:57 Eastern Daylight Time,  
thompson at mindspring.com writes:

I have  T32 on 160 to 10 except for 30 which I do not work.  In 2008 when I 
got on for a couple hours to work the SEDXC fellows in the ARRL DX SSB I  
worked a T32 on 10.  Placed 4th USA on 10 SB.

I even have a  160 SSB contact.

Why are they spending so much time and effort
on a  DXCC entity that is hardly semi rare?  Why not Chesterfields or 
or Banaba?

Dave  K4JRB

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